Intro: 32 beats
[1-8] Forward Touch, back touch, heel bounce (2x)
1–2Step R forward(1), touch L beside R(2)
&3-4Step L back(&), step R beside L(3), bounce both heels(4)
5–8Repeat Counts 1-4
[9-16] Syncopated vine, clap, heel bounces turning ½ right
1–2Step R to R(1), step L behind R(2),
&3-4Step R to R(&), cross L over R(3), clap hands(4)
5-8Bounce heels 4 times making a ½ turn right (weight on L) (6 o’clock)
[17-24] Forward touch, ½ turn touch, ¼ turn touch, side touch
1-2Step R forward(1), touch L beside R(2)
3–4Making ½ turn L step L forward(3), touch R beside left(4)
5-6Making ¼ L step R to R(5), touch L beside R(6)
6-8Step L to L(7), touch R beside L (8) (9 o’clock)
[25-32] Jump, scuff step, knee pop, heel bounces
1Jump forward with feet apart (weight on L) (1)
2-4Scuff R beside L(2), step R to R(3), Pop right knee towards L(4)
5–8Bounce R heel 4 times bring knee back to original position, weight stays on L (9 o’clock)
[1-8] Forward Touch, back touch, heel bounce (2x)
1–2Step R forward(1), touch L beside R(2)
&3-4Step L back(&), step R beside L(3), bounce both heels(4)
5–8Repeat Counts 1-4
[9-16] Syncopated vine, clap, heel bounces turning ½ right
1–2Step R to R(1), step L behind R(2),
&3-4Step R to R(&), cross L over R(3), clap hands(4)
5-8Bounce heels 4 times making a ½ turn right (weight on L) (6 o’clock)
[17-24] Forward touch, ½ turn touch, ¼ turn touch, side touch
1-2Step R forward(1), touch L beside R(2)
3–4Making ½ turn L step L forward(3), touch R beside left(4)
5-6Making ¼ L step R to R(5), touch L beside R(6)
6-8Step L to L(7), touch R beside L (8) (9 o’clock)
[25-32] Jump, scuff step, knee pop, heel bounces
1Jump forward with feet apart (weight on L) (1)
2-4Scuff R beside L(2), step R to R(3), Pop right knee towards L(4)
5–8Bounce R heel 4 times bring knee back to original position, weight stays on L (9 o’clock)