CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Chicken and Gravy

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Intermediate / Advanced
Jacob Ballard (USA) - October 2010
Little White Church - Little Big Town
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Begin on lyrics

Out-In-Out With ¼, Hook, Behind, ¼, Step, ½, And Cross
1&2Jump feet out should with apart, jump feet together turning 1/8 left, jump feet out turning 1/8 left completing ¼ turn (weight should go to left)
3&4Touch right heel forward, hook right over left, jump right to side kicking left to side
5&6Cross left behind right, turn ¼ right and step right forward, step left forward
7&8Turn ½ right and step right forward, turn ¼ right and step left to side, cross right over left

¼, 1/,4 Flick, Step-Step, Behind, Turn, ½, Run Forward
1&2Turn ¼ left and step left forward, turn ¼ left and step right to side, cross left behind right
&3&4Flick right to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, step right to side
5&6Cross left behind right, turn ¼ right and step right forward, small hitch left knee turning ½ right and touch left together (this should feel like a sweep without extending left out)
7&8Step left forward, step right forward, step left forward

Touch, ¾, Touch, Pivot ½, Coaster Step, Out-Out-In-Step
1-2&3Touch right toe forward, turn ½ right taking a small step with right placing it next to left, take a small step with left in place making a turn ¼ right, touch right toe forward (weight should be on left)
4Transfer weight to right pivoting ½ right
5&6Step left back, step right together, step left forward
&7&8Step right to side, step left to side, step right in, step left forward

Scuff Rock Step Twice, Scuff, Touch Back, ½, ¼, ¼ Cross
1&2Scuff right forward, rock right back, recover to left
&3&4Scuff right forward, rock right back, recover to left, scuff right forward
5-6Touch right back, turn ½ right
7&8Turn ¼ right and step left to side, turn ¼ right and step right to side, cross left over right


RESTART: On wall 6, dance up to count 8, then restart from beginning

TAG: AFTER walls 1, 3 and 7. On wall 7 the tag will happen twice in a row
1&2&3&4Cross/rock right over left, recover to left, rock right to side, recover to left, cross rock right behind left, recover to left, step right together clapping hands once
5&6&7&8Cross/rock left over right, recover to right, rock left to side, recover to right, cross rock left behind right, recover to right, step left together clapping hands once
Start Dance Over

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