CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Jane Boyd (USA) - October 2010
Ignition (Remix) - R. Kelly : (Album: Chocolate Factory)
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Part A = 32 counts; B = 20 counts (B Minus = 16 counts)

Sequence: A, B, A, B Minus, A, B, A, A, A, B, A, A, A, A
Intro: Approx. 6 seconds (14 count, starts when “Now I’m not trying….”)

PART A (32 Counts) :
Shuffle Diag Fwd, 1/8 Rock, Recover, Back Shuffle R, 1/8 Rock, Recover
1&2Shuffle L,R,L, towards front left diagonal, (11:00)
3 - 41/8 turn left, Rock forward on R, Recover on L squaring up to the side wall, (9:00)
5&6Shuffle R,L,R, backwards diagonally, (facing 7:00; moving towards 1:00)
7 - 81/8 turn left, Rocking back on L, Recover on R, (6:00)

Touch Out, In, Step Side, Touch, Touch Out, In, Step Side, Touch
1 - 4Touch L foot out to left side, Touch L foot beside R, Take a big step to the L dragging R foot, Touch R next to L,
5 - 8Touch R foot out to the right side, Touch R foot beside L, Take a big step to the right dragging L foot, Touch L next to R,
(You can add some styling by bumping hips with the touches)

Modified Kick Ball Cross x2, Unwind ½ turn, twist ½ turn, ¼ Sailor
1&2Kick L foot out to the left side, Step on ball of L foot slightly behind the R, Cross R in front of L,
3&4Kick L foot out to the left side, Step on ball of L foot slightly behind the R, Cross R in front of L,
5 - 6Unwind ½ turn left, Twist back 1/2 turn right to the original position keeping weight on L,
7&8Sweep R foot behind L making ¼ turn to the R, Step L foot to the left side, Step R to the right,

Rock, Recover, L Coaster, Modified Rocking Chair, Step to R
1 - 2Rock forward on L, Recover on R,
3&4Step L foot back, Step R foot back, Step L foot forward,
5&6&7Rock forward on R, Recover on L, Hold (6), Rock back on R, Recover on L,
8Step R foot to the right side,

PART B (20 Counts) :
Hitch, 1/4 Hitch, Body Roll, Hitch, 1/4 Hitch, Body Roll
1 - 2Hitch L foot, Hitch L foot making ¼ turn to left side,
3 - 4Place L foot on floor and body roll diag. to side (9:00), moving weight onto L foot
5 - 6Hitch R foot, Hitch R foot making ¼ turn to right side,
7 - 8Place R foot on floor and body roll diag. to side (12:00), weight forward onto the R foot, (left foot will face 9:00 and right foot will faced 12:00 body facing 11:00)

Jazz Box 1/8 of a turn, Hip Bumps
1 - 4Step on L foot, Cross R foot in front of L making a 1/8 of a turn to left (square up to the wall (9:00), Step back on L foot, Step R to right side
5&6&7Bump L hip twice (5&), Hold (6), Bump R hip to right,(&), Bump L hip to left(7),
8Bump R hip to right (8) (make sure to transfer weight to R foot),
*** (This is where (B Minus) ends) ***

Hip Bumps (Repeat steps 5-8 of last set)
1&2&3Bump L hip twice (1&), Hold (2), Bump R hip to right,(&), Bump L hip to left(3),
4Bump R hip to right (4) (make sure to transfer weight to R foot). or find me on Facebook.

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