CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Every Now and Then

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Birthe Tygesen (DK) - August 2010
Every Now and Then - Alan Jackson : (CD: Freight Train)
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Alternative Music: Have I Told You Lately by Van Morrison (no tags/restarts to this music)

Section 1: step fwd L sweeping R, Jazzbox ¼ turn R, Jazzbox ¼ turn L, Jazzbox, step fwd
1 step a big step forward onto L sweeping R from back to front
2&3 step R across L, step back onto L making a ¼ turn R, step R to R side sweeping L
4&5 step L across, step back onto R making ¼ turn L, step L back (face L diagonal 10:30)
6&7 step R across L, step back onto L (facing 12:00) , step R to R side (12:00)
8 step forward onto L (12:00)

Section 2: Press fwd R, step back, ¾ turn R into a basic Nightclub step, sway X3,
1 press forward onto R (prepare for a R turn)
2& step back onto L starting to turn R, make a ½ turn R stepping forward onto R
3,4& making a ¼ turn stepping L to L side, rock back onto R, step L across R (9:00)
5,6,7 step R big step to R side into a sway, sway L , sway R (prepare for L turn)

Section 3: Full Rolling vine L into basic Nightclub step, side, run, run, press, back, back
8& ¼ turn L step fwd L, ½ turn L step back onto R,
1, 2& ¼ L step L to L side, rock back onto R, step L across R (9:00)
3, 4& step R big step to R side facing R diagonal, run L, R (10:30)
5,6,7 press L forward, step back onto R sweep L, step back onto L sweep R (10:30)

Section 4: behind, ¼ turn, ¼ turn, behind, ¼ turn, ¼ turn, sailorstep, coasterstep, step fwd
8&1 step R behind L(face 9:00) , ¼ turn L step forward onto L, ¼ L step R to R side
2&3 step L behind R, ¼ turn R step forward onto R, ¼ R stepping L to L side (9:00)
4&5 rock R behind L, step L a bit to L side, step R big step to R side
6&7 step back onto L, step R next to L, step forward onto L
8 step forward onto R

TAG/RESTART: wall 6: in section 3 do the rolling vine 8&1, on count 2 sway R, then restart

(doing the Jazzboxes in the start of the dance please use the diagonals, if you feel for it)

Ending: Keep on dancing and you will end the dance 12:00 doing the rolling vine.



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