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That's Where I Belong

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Phrased Intermediate
Wolfgang Niederwipper - April 2010
That's Where I Belong - Alan Jackson
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Sequence: A, B, A, B, B, A, B, A, B,B,B......
Dance begins after 32 counts Intro.

Part A
Walk Forward 3x, Kick/Clap, Walk Back 3x, Touch
1-3 3 Steps forward (r - l - r)
4 left kick and clap
5-7 3 Steps back (l - r - l)
8 Toe touch right beside left

Side, Touch, Side, Touch, Rolling Vine r with clap
1-2 right to right side - toe touch left beside right
3-4 left to left side – toe touch right beside left
5-8 3 Steps to right with full turn right, Toe touch left beside right and clap

Side, Touch, Side, Touch, Rolling Vine l with clap
1-2 left to left side - toe touch right beside left
3-4 right to right side – toe touch left beside right
5-8 3 Steps to left with full turn left, Toe touch right beside left and clap

Diagonal Steps Forward, Brush (Scuff) r + l
1-2 forward right diagonal – close left beside right
3-4 forward right diagonal – left with scuff in front
5-6 forward left diagonal – close right beside left
7-8 forward left diagonal – right with scuff in front

Rock Forward, 1/4 Turn r, Touch, Side, Touch, 1/4 Turn r, Touch
1-2 step right in front, weight on right, weight back on left
3-4 1/4 turn right and right to the right side, toe touch left beside right (3 °clock)
5-6 left to left side – toe touch right beside left
7-8 1/4 turn right and step right in front – toe touch left beside right (6°clock)

Rocking Chair, Grapevine l, Brush
1-2 step left in front weight on left - weight back on right
3-4 step left back weight on left - weight back on right
5-6 left to left side – right behind left
7-8 left toleft side – right in front with brush

Grapevine r, Brush, Rocking Chair
1-2 right to right side – left behind right
3-4 right to right side – left in front with brush
5-6 step left in front weight on left – weight back on right
7-8 step left back weight on left – weight back on righ

Step, pivot 1/2 turn, step, pivot 1/4 turn, step, touch, step back 2x r + l
1-2 step left in front - 1/2 turn right weight on right ( 12°clock)
3-4 step left in front - 1/4 turn right weight on right ( 3°clock )
5-6 step left in front – toe touch right beside left
7-8 step back with right – step back with left

Part B
Cross, 1/4 turn r, step back r + l, 1/4 Monterey turn
1-2 right cross over left - 1/4 turn right on right foot and step back with left
3-4 step back with right- step back with left
5-6 toe touch right to the right side - 1/4 turn right and close right beside left
7-8 toe touch left to the left side – left close beside right

Step diagonal forward with shoulder shimmies, touch and clap, r + l
1 right with a long step diagonal forward
2-3 left over 2 counts slide to the right shakin shoulders
4 toe touch left beside right and clap
5 left with a long step diagonal forward
6-7 right over 2 counts slide to the left shakin shoulders
8 toe touch right beside left and clap

Toe struts back
1-2 toe touch back with right, weight on right heel
3-4 toe touch back with left, weight on left heel
5-6 toe touch back with right, weight on right heel
7-8 toe touch back with left, weight on left heel

Rocking Chair, Step, pivot 1/4 turn 2x
1-2 step rightt in front weight on right - weight back on left
3-4 step right back weight on right - weight back on left
5-6 step in front with right - 1/4 turn left weight on left
7-8 step in front with right - 1/4 turn left weight on left

Wolfgang Niederwipper - Berlin – Germany -

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