(1-8) R toe touches front & side, R sailor step Scoot Step L-R, Double Step on L
1-2 Touch R toe forward, touch R toe side
3&4 Cross step R behind L, step L side, step R fwd
5-6 Small scoot on L toward L diagonal, Small scoot on R towards R diagonal
7&8 Small scoot on L towards L diagonal x2 (make sure weight ends on L)
(9-16) Scoot Step R-L, Double Step on R , L Rock Fwd, Recover on R, Coaster
1-2 Small scoot on R toward R diagonal, Small scoot on L towards L diagonal
3&4 Small scoot on R towards R diagonal x2 (make sure weight ends on R)
5-6 L Rock Fwd, Recover on R
7&8 Step L back, Step R back next to L, Step L forward
(17–24) R Mambo Forward Turn 1/2,Full Turn R, Rock Recover on L, Back Walk R-L
1&2 Rock forward on R, Recover back on L,Turn1/2 Step R
3&4 Full Turn TO R,L-R-L(option shuffle)
5-6 R Rock Recover on L
7-8 Back Walk R-L
(25–32) Paddle 1/4 Turn L x2 ,StompR-L, Heel-Toe-Heel, Heel-Toe-Heel
1& RF 1/4 turn left,( right knee LF Touch to left side)
2& RF 1/4 turn left, (right knee LF Touch to left side)
3-4 Stomp R-L
5&6 Feet together twist both heels to right, both toes to right, both heels to R
7&8 Feet together twist both heels to left, both toes to left, both heels to left (weight on L)
(33-40) Chasse Right, Rock Back, Chasse Left, Rock Back
1&2 Step R to R side. Step L next to R. Step R to R side
3-4 Rock back on L. Recover onto R
5&6 Step L to L side. Step R next to L. Step L to L side
7-8 Rock back on R. Recover onto L.
(41-48) Jazz, R heel , Grind turn 1/4 to R down, L Coaster
1-4 Cross R over L, Recover on L, Step R to side, Step L next to R
5-6 Step Right heel forward, grind Right heel to Right, down weight on R
7&8 Step back on L, step R next to Left, step forward on Left
TAG 1: At the END of Wall 2 add the following 12 counts
(1-8) R toe touches front & side, R sailor step, L toe touches front & side, L sailor step
1-2 Touch R toe forward, touch R toe side
3&4 Cross step R behind L, step L side, step R fwd
5-6 Touch L toe forward, touch L toe side
7&8 Cross step L behind R, step R side, step L fwd
(9-12) R Step turn L 1/2(twice)
TAG 2: At the END of Wall 5 add the following 4 counts
(1-4) Jazz
1-4 Cross R over L, Recover on L, Step R to side, Step L next to R
Happy Dancing
1-2 Touch R toe forward, touch R toe side
3&4 Cross step R behind L, step L side, step R fwd
5-6 Small scoot on L toward L diagonal, Small scoot on R towards R diagonal
7&8 Small scoot on L towards L diagonal x2 (make sure weight ends on L)
(9-16) Scoot Step R-L, Double Step on R , L Rock Fwd, Recover on R, Coaster
1-2 Small scoot on R toward R diagonal, Small scoot on L towards L diagonal
3&4 Small scoot on R towards R diagonal x2 (make sure weight ends on R)
5-6 L Rock Fwd, Recover on R
7&8 Step L back, Step R back next to L, Step L forward
(17–24) R Mambo Forward Turn 1/2,Full Turn R, Rock Recover on L, Back Walk R-L
1&2 Rock forward on R, Recover back on L,Turn1/2 Step R
3&4 Full Turn TO R,L-R-L(option shuffle)
5-6 R Rock Recover on L
7-8 Back Walk R-L
(25–32) Paddle 1/4 Turn L x2 ,StompR-L, Heel-Toe-Heel, Heel-Toe-Heel
1& RF 1/4 turn left,( right knee LF Touch to left side)
2& RF 1/4 turn left, (right knee LF Touch to left side)
3-4 Stomp R-L
5&6 Feet together twist both heels to right, both toes to right, both heels to R
7&8 Feet together twist both heels to left, both toes to left, both heels to left (weight on L)
(33-40) Chasse Right, Rock Back, Chasse Left, Rock Back
1&2 Step R to R side. Step L next to R. Step R to R side
3-4 Rock back on L. Recover onto R
5&6 Step L to L side. Step R next to L. Step L to L side
7-8 Rock back on R. Recover onto L.
(41-48) Jazz, R heel , Grind turn 1/4 to R down, L Coaster
1-4 Cross R over L, Recover on L, Step R to side, Step L next to R
5-6 Step Right heel forward, grind Right heel to Right, down weight on R
7&8 Step back on L, step R next to Left, step forward on Left
TAG 1: At the END of Wall 2 add the following 12 counts
(1-8) R toe touches front & side, R sailor step, L toe touches front & side, L sailor step
1-2 Touch R toe forward, touch R toe side
3&4 Cross step R behind L, step L side, step R fwd
5-6 Touch L toe forward, touch L toe side
7&8 Cross step L behind R, step R side, step L fwd
(9-12) R Step turn L 1/2(twice)
TAG 2: At the END of Wall 5 add the following 4 counts
(1-4) Jazz
1-4 Cross R over L, Recover on L, Step R to side, Step L next to R
Happy Dancing