CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Take Me To The Dance Floor

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Terry Mchugh (UK) - July 2010
Teach Me to Dance - Michael Cook : (Album: The Sun Shines At Midnight)
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8 Count intro.

Step left fwd, sweep right over left,step left back, rock back on right,recover on left, step right to side, tap left beside right
1 step fwd on left.
2-3 sweep right over left
4 step back on left
5-6 rock back on right, recover on left,
7-8 step right to right side, tap left beside right,

Rocking chair, lock steps fwd and hold.
1-2 rock fwd on left, recover on right,
3-4 rock back on left, recover on right,
5-6 step fwd on left, lock step right behind left,
7-8 step fwd on left and hold,

Step fwd on right, 1/2 turn left, step fwd on right and hold, step fwd on left and hold,step fwd right and left.
1-2 step fwd on right, pivot 1/2 turn left,
3-4 step fwd on right and hold,
5-6 step fwd on left and hold,
7-8 step fwd on right, step fwd on left

Cross right over left, point left to side, cross left over right, point right to side, step fwd on right, pivot 1/4 turn left, back rock on left.
1-2 cross right over left, point left toe to left side,
3-4 cross left over right, point right toe to right side,
5-6 step fwd on right, pivot 1/4 turn left on both feet,
7-8 rock back on left, recover on right,

Shuffle fwd, step and hold, x2,
1&2 shuffle fwd stepping, left, right, left,
3-4 step fwd on right and hold,
5&6 shuffle fwd, stepping left, right, left,
7-8 step fwd on right and hold,

Step fwd on left, paddle turn 1/4 right x2,rock fwd on left, recover on right, sway left and right.
1-2 step fwd on left, pivot 1/4 turn right
3-4 step fwd on left, pivot 1/4 turn right
5-6 rock fwd on left, recover on right,
7-8 sway left, sway right, (weight on right).

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