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Love Is Blue

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William Sevone (UK) - July 2010
Love Is Blue - Paul Mauriat : (Album: Best of Paul Mauriat)
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Dance Sequence:-
Wall 1: 1-16 - Bridge‘A’ - 17-32 - Tag [16-(2)-16-(2)]
Wall 2: 1-16 - Bridge‘B’ - 17-32 - Tag [16-(4)-16-(2)]
Wall 3: 1-16 - Bridge‘B’ - 17-30 - Finale [16-(4)-14-(10)]
Choreographers note:- The dance is performed at ‘half tempo – 53 bpm’. Only three walls including the ‘finale’ will be completed.
The phrasing may appear daunting – until you listen to this very popular piece of music.
Other than where indicated, the dancer may use arm and upper body styling wherever they feel it would appear aesthetically pleasing.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts after 14 seconds/12 counts – when the Harpsichord comes in.

Large Right. Drag. Side-Behind-Touch Out. Behind-Side-1/4. 1/2 Sweep. Fwd-Lockstep (9:00)
1 – 2 Large step right to right side. Drag left next to right (no weight)
3& 4 Step left to left side, step right behind left, touch left to left side (left arm extended left).
5& 6 Step left behind right, step right to right side, turn ¼ right (3) & start to sweep left foot from back to front.
7& 8 still sweeping – Turn ½ right (9) & step forward onto left, lock right behind left, step forward onto left.

1/4 Side. 1/2 Touch Out. Extended Weave. 1/4 Fwd. 1/2 Back. Back. Cross Touch (9:00)
9 – 10 Turn ¼ left (6) & step right to right side (both arms extended). Turn ½ left (12) & touch left to left side (both arms extended) Note on 1st ¼ of count 10 cross arms. (9-10=Extend-Cross-Extend)
11& 12 Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right.
13& 14 Step right to right side, step left behind right, turn ¼ right (3) & step forward onto right.
15& 16 Turn ½ right (9) & step backward onto left, step backward onto right, cross touch left over right.

BRIDGE A: Wall I: 1-Rock forward onto left. 2-Recover onto right.
BRIDGE B: Wall 2 & 3: 1-Step forward onto left. 2-Rock forward onto right. 3-Recover onto left. 4-Rock backward onto right.

Rock. Recover. 2x Fwd-Full Turn. Fwd-Press-Recover (9:00)
17 – 18 Rock forward onto left. Recover onto right.
19& 20 Step forward onto left, turn ¼ left (6) & step right to right side, turn ¾ left (9) & step forward onto left.
21& 22 Step forward onto right, turn ¼ right (12) & step left to left side, turn ¾ right (9) & step forward onto right.
23& 24 Step forward onto left, dipping - press step forward onto right, straightening up – recover onto left.

1/4 Side. Cross Rock. Recover-Cross-Side. 1/2 Sweep-Step-Side. Cross-Sway-Sway (6:00)
25 – 26 Turn ¼ right (12) & step right to right side. Cross rock left over right.
27& 28 Recover onto right, step left to right side, step right to right side.
29& 30 Turning ½ left (6) - sweep left foot from side to back, step backward onto left. Step right to right side.
FINALE: Wall 3: see below for Finale
31& 32 Cross left over right, sway right to right side, sway onto left.

TAG: Wall 1 and 2: Sway right to right side. Sway onto left.

FINALE: WALL 3: After count 30 (facing 6) the tempo drops dramatically. Complete the following after count 30:-
1 – 2 Cross left over right. Sway right to right side.
3 – 4 Sway onto left. Sway onto right.
5 – 6 Sway onto left. Turn ½ right (12) & sway right to right.
7 – 8 Sway onto left. Sway onto right.
9 – 10 Cross touch left over right. Hold.

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