CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Upper Intermediate
Chris Mann (AUS) - June 2010
Tonight - The Whitlams : (Album: Little Cloud)
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Start on lyrics.

Side, behind, ¼ turn, pivot ½, triple step full turn, right coaster forward, sweep
1, 2& Step right to right side, step left behind right, turn ¼ right stepping right forward (3:00)
3, 4 Step left forward, turn ½ right transferring weight onto right foot (9:00)
5&6 Travelling forward making full turn left, step left, right, left
7&8 Step right foot forward, left beside right, right foot back, sweep left behind

Behind, side, cross, side rock (x2)
1&2, 3, 4 Step left behind right, right to side, left across right, rock right to right side, replace left
5&6, 7, 8 Step right behind left, left to side, right across left, rock left to left side, replace right

Together, ¼ turn, walk, pivot ¼, cross ½ turn, cross ½ turn
&1 Step left beside right, turn ¼ right stepping right forward (12:00)
2, 3, 4 Step left forward, right forward, turn ¼ left transferring weight onto left foot (9:00)
5&6 Step right across left, turn ¼ right stepping left back, turn ¼ right stepping right to side (3:00)
7&8 Step left across right, turn ¼ left stepping right back, turn ¼ left stepping left to side (9:00)

Cross rock, switch, cross rock, switch, pivot ¼, forward, touch, back, touch
1, 2& Rock right across left, replace left, step right beside left
3, 4& Rock left across right, replace right, step left beside right
5, 6 Step right forward, turn ¼ left transferring weight onto left foot (6:00)
7&8& Step right forward, touch left beside right, step left back, touch right beside left(*)

Step, shuffle forward, pivot ½, step, full turn, shuffle
1, 2&3 Step right forward, shuffle forward stepping left, right, left
4&5 Step right forward, turn ½ left transferring weight onto left foot, step right forward (12:00)
6, 7, 8& Travelling forward making full turn right step left, right, shuffle forward stepping left, right

Rock, ½ turn, hip sways
1, 2, 3&4 Rock left forward, replace right, step left back, turn ½ right stepping right forward, step left forward(**)
5, 6, 7, 8 Step right to side and sway hips right, left, right, left

48 Repeat dance facing new wall

On wall 2, dance up to count 32(*), then begin the dance again.
On wall 5, dance up to count 44(**), then begin the dance again.

(chris DOT mann AT velocitynet DOT com DOT au)

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