Ultra Beginner
Intro: 48 Counts
Vine right, touch, vine ¼ turn left, scuff
1 – 2 Step right to right side, cross left behind right
3 - 4 Step right to right side, touch left beside right
5 - 6 Step left to left side, cross right behind left
7 - 8 ¼ turn left, step left to left side, scuff right fwd.
Lock step fwd. Right. Scuff, Lockstep fwd. Left, scuff
1 - 2 Step diagonally Fwd. right, lock left behind right
3 – 4 Step diagonally Fwd. right, scuff left
5 - 6 Step diagonally Fwd. left, lock right behind left
7 – 8 Step diagonally Fwd. Left, scuff right
Restart the dance here on wall 5.
Step diagonally back right, touch, Step diagonally back left, touch,
1 – 2 Step diagonally back right, touch left & clap
3 – 4 Step diagonally back left, touch right & clap
5 – 6 Step diagonally back right, touch left & clap
7 – 8 Step diagonally back left, touch right & clap
Toe strut fwd. Right, left, walk, right, left, right, left
1 – 2 Tap right toe fwd. Drop right heel
3 - 4 Tap left toe fwd. Drop left heel
5 - 6 Walk fwd. Right left
7 – 8 Walk fwd. Right left
Restart: In the middle of 5th wall – Facing 9 O`Clock
Start the dance from the beginning
Note: This dance is specially made to Linda Dahl and her new Beginner class
Website: www.sunshine-cowgirl-linedance.dk
E.mail: sunshinecowgirl1960@gmail.com
Vine right, touch, vine ¼ turn left, scuff
1 – 2 Step right to right side, cross left behind right
3 - 4 Step right to right side, touch left beside right
5 - 6 Step left to left side, cross right behind left
7 - 8 ¼ turn left, step left to left side, scuff right fwd.
Lock step fwd. Right. Scuff, Lockstep fwd. Left, scuff
1 - 2 Step diagonally Fwd. right, lock left behind right
3 – 4 Step diagonally Fwd. right, scuff left
5 - 6 Step diagonally Fwd. left, lock right behind left
7 – 8 Step diagonally Fwd. Left, scuff right
Restart the dance here on wall 5.
Step diagonally back right, touch, Step diagonally back left, touch,
1 – 2 Step diagonally back right, touch left & clap
3 – 4 Step diagonally back left, touch right & clap
5 – 6 Step diagonally back right, touch left & clap
7 – 8 Step diagonally back left, touch right & clap
Toe strut fwd. Right, left, walk, right, left, right, left
1 – 2 Tap right toe fwd. Drop right heel
3 - 4 Tap left toe fwd. Drop left heel
5 - 6 Walk fwd. Right left
7 – 8 Walk fwd. Right left
Restart: In the middle of 5th wall – Facing 9 O`Clock
Start the dance from the beginning
Note: This dance is specially made to Linda Dahl and her new Beginner class
Website: www.sunshine-cowgirl-linedance.dk
E.mail: sunshinecowgirl1960@gmail.com