CopperKnob Stepsheets

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A Whole New World

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Pat Stott (UK) & Karen Henshall (UK) - June 2010
A Whole New World - Collin Raye
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Step forward, ½ turn left &, tap left across right, lock step forward, step forward, ½ turn left & tap left across right, lock step forward
1 – 2 Step forward on right, turn ½ left keeping weight on right and tap left toe in front of right
3 & 4 Step forward on left, cross right behind left, step forward on left
5 – 8 Repeat steps 1 – 4

Cross, recover, chasse with ¼ turn right, paddle turn, paddle turn
1 – 2 Cross right over left, recover onto left
3&4 Step right to right, close left to right, turn ¼ right and step forward on right
5 – 6 Step forward on left, turn ¼ to right transferring weight to right
7 – 8 Step forward on left, turn ½ right transferring weight to right
(Styling – left hips sway on the paddle turns)

Cross, recover, chasse with ¼ left, step forward, hold, close, step, step
1 – 2 Cross left over right, recover onto right
3&4 Step left to left, close right to left, turn ¼ to left stepping forward on left
5 – 6 Step forward on right, hold
&7, 8 Close left to right, walk forward – right, left

Rock forward, recover, ½ shuffle right, sweep ¼ right, touch left toe across in front of right, lock step forward
1 – 2 Rock forward on right, recover onto left
3&4 Turning ½ to right – shuffle right, left, right
5 – 6 Keeping weight on right turning ¼ right sweep left toe round from back to front, touch left toe across and in front of right
7&8 Step left forward, cross right behind left, step left forward

Rock right to right, recover, cross shuffle, large step to left, slide right to left, ball, step forward
1 – 2 Rock right to right, recover onto left
3&4 Cross right over left, left to left, cross right over left
5,6,7 Large step to left, slide right toe slowly towards left
& 8 Step onto ball of right next to left, step forward on left

½ pivot, full turn, shuffle forward, shuffle forward
1 – 2 Step forward on right, ½ pivot left transferring weight to left
3 – 4 Turn ½ left and step back onto right, turn ½ left and step forward onto left
5&6 Shuffle forward – right, left, right
7&8 Shuffle forward – left, right, left

Step forward on right (raising up slightly onto ball of foot), recover back on left, slide step, slide step, rock back, recover, ¼ pivot left
1 – 2 Step forward onto right and raising up onto ball of foot, lowering down recover back onto left
3 – 4 Sliding right toe back and step back, sliding left toe back and step back
5 – 6 Rock back onto right letting the body turn ¼ to right, recover onto left letting the body turn ¼ left
(original position)
7 – 8 Step forward on right, ¼ pivot left transferring weight to left

Weave to left, cross, recover, side, cross, recover, side
1 – 4 Cross right over left, left to left, cross right behind left, left to left
5&6 Cross right over left, recover onto left, step right to right
7&8 Cross left over right, recover onto right, step left to left

Tag end of second sequence (facing 6 0’clock)
1 – 8 Section 1
9 – 10 Cross right over left, recover onto left
11&12 Chasse to right – right to right, close left to right, right to right
13 – 14 Cross left over right, recover onto right
15&16 Chasse to left – left to left, close right to left, left to left
Then restart dance

Dance ends at the end of section 2, just cross left over right and hold


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