Start after 40 counts.
1-2 Rock left forward, recover to right
3&4 Triple in place left, right, left
5-6 Rock right back, recover to left
7&8 Triple in place right, left right
1-2 Step left forward, turn 1/2 right (weight to right)
3-4 Step left forward, turn 1/2 right (weight to right)
5& Touch left heel forward, step left together
6& Touch right heel forward, step right together
7-8 Touch left heel forward, clap
(17-24) HIP BUMPS
1-2 Stepping onto left bump hips forward twice
3-4 Bump hips back twice
5-6 Bump hips forward twice
7-8 Bump hips back twice
1-4 Big step left to side, hold, step right together, hold
5-8 Big step left to side, hold, turn 1/2 left stepping right together, hold
TAG 1 :
1-4 Big step left to side, hold, step right together, hold
5-8 Big step left to side, hold, step right together, hold
TAG 2 :
1-4 Rocking chair on LRLR
Tags at the end of wall 8 – do tag1 and tag 2
Tag at the end of wall 10 – do tag 2
Tag at the end of wall 11 – do tag 1
1-2 Rock left forward, recover to right
3&4 Triple in place left, right, left
5-6 Rock right back, recover to left
7&8 Triple in place right, left right
1-2 Step left forward, turn 1/2 right (weight to right)
3-4 Step left forward, turn 1/2 right (weight to right)
5& Touch left heel forward, step left together
6& Touch right heel forward, step right together
7-8 Touch left heel forward, clap
(17-24) HIP BUMPS
1-2 Stepping onto left bump hips forward twice
3-4 Bump hips back twice
5-6 Bump hips forward twice
7-8 Bump hips back twice
1-4 Big step left to side, hold, step right together, hold
5-8 Big step left to side, hold, turn 1/2 left stepping right together, hold
TAG 1 :
1-4 Big step left to side, hold, step right together, hold
5-8 Big step left to side, hold, step right together, hold
TAG 2 :
1-4 Rocking chair on LRLR
Tags at the end of wall 8 – do tag1 and tag 2
Tag at the end of wall 10 – do tag 2
Tag at the end of wall 11 – do tag 1