CopperKnob Stepsheets

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French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

Keep Sweating

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Intermediate / Advanced
Queendy Lee (CAN) & Emily Woo (CAN) - May 2010
Intro: Start after 32 counts, approx 18 sec.
Sequence: AAA Tag (3 o'clock) AAA Tag (3 o'clock) AAAA Tag (12 o'clock) x2 Ending

Side, Hold, Cross, Hold, Sway R, Sway L, Full Turn
1-4 Step R to R, Hold, L cross R, Hold
5,6 Step R to R with sway, Step L to L with Sway
7&8 Full turn to R (R, L, R) with small steps

1/2 R, Hold, R Ronde, Sit, Shoulder Roll, Jump
1-2 ½ R and step L to side, Hold
3-4 Draw a circle with R in the front CW, R ronde to the back of L
5 Sit on the R with bend knees, L touch in the front
6 Roll L shoulder
7&8 Roll shoulder R, L, jump and straighten both legs with hands stretch up (R hand hold L hand, palm facing up)

L Hitch, 1/4 L, Rock, Recover, 1/4 R, Rock, Recover, 1/4 L, Sway R, Sway L
1,2 L hitch up (both hands down, look like hitting your knee with palms) Turn ¼ L and Step L forward
3&4 Rock R over L, recover, Slide ¼ R and Step
5&6 Rock L over R, recover, Slide ¼ L and Step
7 Sway R (look to R, R hand on L shoulder, L hand on R waist)
8 Sway L (look to L, R hand slide to R shoulder, L hand slide to L waist)

Step, Full Turn R Step, Hold, 1/2 L Step, Point x3, Sit, Rody Roll Up
1,2 Step R to R, Full turn R with ball of R, Step L together
3-4 Hold , ½ L with ball of L , step R together
5&6& L point forward, Step together, R point forward, Step together
7&8 L point forward, Step together with bend knees, Body roll up

TAG: (3 o'clock) 16 counts
Weight shift, heel up
1-2 R heel up, Hold ( Body lean forward, both hands at the side)
3,4 Shift weight to R with L heel up, Shift weight to L with R heel up
5-6 Shift weight to R wi th L heel up, Hold
7,8 Shift weight to L with R heel up, Shift weight to R with L heel up

Hand Movement
1,2 ¼ L and step L back, Raise up R hand (hold fist , elbow bend)
3,4 L hand on top of R (fingers open), Turn L elbow down (now R elbow point R)
5,6 Turn both hands over head from back to front, Stop at the R side of face
7,8 Slide both hands from R of face to L of face

TAG: (12 o'clock) 16 counts x2
Do the same as Tag at 3:00 0'clock, but don't turn, keep doing face front wall

Side, Hold, Cross, Hold, Sway R, Sway L, Full Turn
1-2 Step R to R , Hold
3-4 Cross L over R, Hold
5,6 Step R to R with sway, Step L to L with Sway
7,8 Full turn R, L step together

Keep doing this, like you are dancing out of the stage until music ends.

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