CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Broken Hearts Too

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Beginner / Improver
Gordon Timms (UK) - May 2010
Too Many Broken Hearts - Jason Donovan : (CD: Best of Jason)
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Count intro…. 32 counts. - Start the dance on the vocals…

SECTION 1: Rock, Recover, Right Coaster Step, Step, Pivot Turn ½ Right, Left forward shuffle.
1 - 2 Rock forward on the right, recover on to the left..
3 & 4 Step back on the right, step left next to right, step forward on the right.
5 - 6 Step forward on left, Pivot Half Turn to right.
7 & 8 Left Shuffle Forward, stepping Left-Right-Left
Faces 6.00

SECTION 2: Full Turn Left, Kick Ball Change, Pivot Half Turn left, Kick Ball Change.
1 - 2 Turn ½ left stepping back on Right, (12.00) Turn ½ left stepping forward on Left. (6.00)
(Option: Two walks forward… Walk Right, Walk Left )
3 & 4 Low kick forward on right, step right next to left, step left slightly forward.
5 - 6 Step forward on the right, pivot half turn left.
7 & 8 Low kick forward on right, step right next to left, step left slightly forward.
Faces 12.00

SECTION 3: Step forward, ¼ Turn Left, Right Crossing Shuffle, Rock, Recover, Behind, Side Step.
1 - 2 Step forward on the right, pivot quarter turn left. (9.00) WOL
3 & 4 Cross right over left, step left to left side. Cross right over left.
5 - 6 Rock left out to the left side, Recover on to the right.
7 & 8 Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left slightly forward.
Faces 9.00

SECTION 4: Diagonal Steps Forward and Back, Rock, Recover, Two Walks. (All single counts!)
1 - 2 Step forward on right diagonally right, touch left next to right.
3 - 4 Step back on left diagonally left, touch right next to left.
5 - 6 Rock back on the right, Recover on to Left.
7 - 8 Walk forward on the Right, Walk forward on the Left..
Faces 9.00

Choreographers note: I wrote an intermediate/advanced level line dance to this same music in February 2007,
I have added part of a new section and some old familiar steps and revised them for Improver level dancers.

Finish: As the music fades… dance to count 5-6 in Section 1 – change the ½ turn pivot right into a ¾ turn right (keep weight on right) step left down and step right next to left facing 12.00.


Line Dancing with Gordon & Glenys (UK)
Home: +44 1793 490697 Mobile: +44 7787 383059 Car Phone: +44 7870 849233

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