Phrased Improver
Intro: Start on vocals after 16counts
Sequence: AB, AB, AB, A Tag, AB, A [Part A: 32 counts - Part B: 32 counts]
Part A
Right Vine and hitch, L Vine ½ Turn and hitch
1-4 Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Step R to R, Hitch L beside R
5-8 Step L to L, Cross R Behind L, Step L to L, ½ Turn L with R hitch
Right Vine and touch, Step touches
1-4 Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Step R to R, Touch L next to R
5-8 Step L to L, Touch R next to L, Step R to R, Touch L next to R
L & R Forward Lock Steps with brush
1-2 Step L fwd to L diagonally, Lock R behind L
3-4 Step L fwd to L diagonally, Brush R beside L
5-6 Step R fwd to R diagonally, Lock L behind R
7-8 Step R fwd to R diagonally, Brush L beside R
Jazz Box ¼ turn L, Jazz Box ¼ turn L with touch
1-2 Cross L over R, Step back onto R
3-4 Make ¼ turn L, Stepping L to L, Step R beside L
5-6 Cross L over R, Step back onto R
7-8 Make ¼ turn L, Stepping L to L, Touch R beside L
Part B
Right Vine and hitch, L Vine ½ turn and hitch
1-4 Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Step R to R, Hitch L beside R
5-8 Step L to L, Cross R behind L, Step L to L, ½ turn L with R hitch
Vine Right and touch, Vine Left and step
1-4 Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Step R to R, Touch L beside R
5-8 Step L to L, Cross R behind L, Step L to L, Step R beside L
Rumba Box with 1/4turn Left
1-4 Step L fwd, Touch R next to L, Step R to R, Step L next to R
5-8 Step R back, Touch L next to R, Making ¼ turn L, Step L to L, Step R next to L
Rocking Chair, Big Step Forward, Touch, ¼ Turn Right
1-2 Rock fwd on L, Recover back on R
3-4 Rock back on L, Recover fwd on R
5-6 Take big step fwd on L, Touch R beside L
7-8 Make ¼ turn R, Stepping R to R, Step L next to R
Tag: Track goes pa..pa..pa..pa..pa..(during Part A) just before 4 count tag
1-4 Bounce R heel, while circling R hand up (like holding a lasso) in 4 counts
Sequence: AB, AB, AB, A Tag, AB, A [Part A: 32 counts - Part B: 32 counts]
Part A
Right Vine and hitch, L Vine ½ Turn and hitch
1-4 Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Step R to R, Hitch L beside R
5-8 Step L to L, Cross R Behind L, Step L to L, ½ Turn L with R hitch
Right Vine and touch, Step touches
1-4 Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Step R to R, Touch L next to R
5-8 Step L to L, Touch R next to L, Step R to R, Touch L next to R
L & R Forward Lock Steps with brush
1-2 Step L fwd to L diagonally, Lock R behind L
3-4 Step L fwd to L diagonally, Brush R beside L
5-6 Step R fwd to R diagonally, Lock L behind R
7-8 Step R fwd to R diagonally, Brush L beside R
Jazz Box ¼ turn L, Jazz Box ¼ turn L with touch
1-2 Cross L over R, Step back onto R
3-4 Make ¼ turn L, Stepping L to L, Step R beside L
5-6 Cross L over R, Step back onto R
7-8 Make ¼ turn L, Stepping L to L, Touch R beside L
Part B
Right Vine and hitch, L Vine ½ turn and hitch
1-4 Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Step R to R, Hitch L beside R
5-8 Step L to L, Cross R behind L, Step L to L, ½ turn L with R hitch
Vine Right and touch, Vine Left and step
1-4 Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Step R to R, Touch L beside R
5-8 Step L to L, Cross R behind L, Step L to L, Step R beside L
Rumba Box with 1/4turn Left
1-4 Step L fwd, Touch R next to L, Step R to R, Step L next to R
5-8 Step R back, Touch L next to R, Making ¼ turn L, Step L to L, Step R next to L
Rocking Chair, Big Step Forward, Touch, ¼ Turn Right
1-2 Rock fwd on L, Recover back on R
3-4 Rock back on L, Recover fwd on R
5-6 Take big step fwd on L, Touch R beside L
7-8 Make ¼ turn R, Stepping R to R, Step L next to R
Tag: Track goes pa..pa..pa..pa..pa..(during Part A) just before 4 count tag
1-4 Bounce R heel, while circling R hand up (like holding a lasso) in 4 counts