Beginner Partner
16 count intro Choreo March 2010
Dance starts facing each other, holding hands
Walk Fwd LR, Triple Step, Walk Back RL, Triple Step
1,2 Walk fwd L,R
3&4 Triple step on the spot L,R,L
5,6 Walk back R,L
7&8 Triple step on the spot R,L,R
Side Rock Replace, Triple Step, Side Rock Replace, Triple Step
9,10 Rock/step L to left, Rock/replace wt sideways onto R
11&12 Triple Step on the spot L,R,L
13,14 Rock/step R to right, Rock/replace wt sideways onto L
15&16 Triple step on the spot R,L,R
Side Together Triple Step, Side Together, Triple Step
17,18 Step L to left, Step R beside L (follower does a full turn left stepping R,L)
19&20 Triple step on the spot L,R,L
21,22 Step R to right, Step L beside R (follower does a full turn right stepping L,R)
23&24 Triple step on the spot R,L,R
Step Back 1/4 Rock Fwd 1/4, Triple Step
25 Step back on L making 1/4 left (partner lets go of your L hand)
26 Rock fwd on R facing partner again
27&28 Triple step on the spot L,R,L (hold partner’s hand again)
Step Back 1/4 Rock Fwd 1/4, Triple Step
29 Step back on R making 1/4 right (partner lets go of your R hand)
30 Rock fwd on L facing partner again
31&32 Triple step on the spot R,L,R (hold partner’s hand again)
Start the dance on your R foot and do the same steps as above but on the opposite foot
Note: At counts 25 and count 29 when you step back making 1/4 turn, you let go of hands and swing your hand around to the side. Rejoin hands at the end of counts 26 and 30 respectively.
This dance was written for a wedding by request from Helen Cox from Brisbane.
They wanted something simple…… and this is definitely simple enough …
Even the wedding guests should manage it! (-:
I wish you a wonderful wedding day and a happy life together.
See you on the floor sometime...Jan
Email:janwyllie@iinet.net.au Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/
Dance starts facing each other, holding hands
Walk Fwd LR, Triple Step, Walk Back RL, Triple Step
1,2 Walk fwd L,R
3&4 Triple step on the spot L,R,L
5,6 Walk back R,L
7&8 Triple step on the spot R,L,R
Side Rock Replace, Triple Step, Side Rock Replace, Triple Step
9,10 Rock/step L to left, Rock/replace wt sideways onto R
11&12 Triple Step on the spot L,R,L
13,14 Rock/step R to right, Rock/replace wt sideways onto L
15&16 Triple step on the spot R,L,R
Side Together Triple Step, Side Together, Triple Step
17,18 Step L to left, Step R beside L (follower does a full turn left stepping R,L)
19&20 Triple step on the spot L,R,L
21,22 Step R to right, Step L beside R (follower does a full turn right stepping L,R)
23&24 Triple step on the spot R,L,R
Step Back 1/4 Rock Fwd 1/4, Triple Step
25 Step back on L making 1/4 left (partner lets go of your L hand)
26 Rock fwd on R facing partner again
27&28 Triple step on the spot L,R,L (hold partner’s hand again)
Step Back 1/4 Rock Fwd 1/4, Triple Step
29 Step back on R making 1/4 right (partner lets go of your R hand)
30 Rock fwd on L facing partner again
31&32 Triple step on the spot R,L,R (hold partner’s hand again)
Start the dance on your R foot and do the same steps as above but on the opposite foot
Note: At counts 25 and count 29 when you step back making 1/4 turn, you let go of hands and swing your hand around to the side. Rejoin hands at the end of counts 26 and 30 respectively.
This dance was written for a wedding by request from Helen Cox from Brisbane.
They wanted something simple…… and this is definitely simple enough …
Even the wedding guests should manage it! (-:
I wish you a wonderful wedding day and a happy life together.
See you on the floor sometime...Jan
Email:janwyllie@iinet.net.au Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/