Improver / Intermediate
Intro 32 counts (approx 19 seconds)
Step left to left, rock, recover, forward and slightly across, hold, ¼ turn right stepping forward, ½ turning left stepping back, lock step back
1 – 3 Step left to left, rock back on right, recover onto left
4 – 5 Step forward on right slightly across left, hold
6 Turning on ball of right ¼ turn right and step forward on left
7 Turning ½ left step back on right
8 & 1 Lock step back - Step back on left, cross right over left, step back on left
Close, Step forward, lock step forward, step, spiral full turn right, lock step forward
2 – 3 Close right to left, step forward on left
4 & 5 Step forward on right, lock left behind right, forward on right
6 – 7 Step forward on left, pivot a full turn right on the ball of left allowing the right foot to hook in front of the left leg (point toe down for style)
8 & 1 Lock step forward – Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
Rock forward, recover, lock step back, rock back, recover, ½ turn left stepping back on right, pivot ½ turn left stepping forward on left
2 – 3 Rock forward on left, recover onto right
4 & 5 Lock step back – step back on left, lock right in front of left, step back on left
6 Rock back on right (turning right shoulder back in preparation to turn – body will naturally turn ¼ to right)
7 Recover onto left (straightening up again)
8 – 1 Pivot ½ turn left stepping back on right, pivot ½ turn left stepping forward on left
½ pivot left, skate, skate, side rock, close
2 – 3 Step forward on right, pivot ½ left transferring weight to left
4 – 5 Skate forward onto right, skate forward onto left
6 – 7 Rock right out to right side, recover onto left
(style: roll hips to right in a figure 8),
8 Close right to left
Begin dance again
Tag (end of wall one)
1 – 4 Rock left to left, recover onto right, close left to right, hold
5 – 8 Rock right to right, recover onto left, close right to left, hold
Note: sway hips in figure 8, left then right
Choreographers note:
This is a Cha cha/ Rumba so use the hips!
Style: When stepping forward: in order to move the hips when you step forward press the foot into the floor leading with the toe not the heel
Contact: Pat Stott (patstott1@hotmail.co.uk)
Step left to left, rock, recover, forward and slightly across, hold, ¼ turn right stepping forward, ½ turning left stepping back, lock step back
1 – 3 Step left to left, rock back on right, recover onto left
4 – 5 Step forward on right slightly across left, hold
6 Turning on ball of right ¼ turn right and step forward on left
7 Turning ½ left step back on right
8 & 1 Lock step back - Step back on left, cross right over left, step back on left
Close, Step forward, lock step forward, step, spiral full turn right, lock step forward
2 – 3 Close right to left, step forward on left
4 & 5 Step forward on right, lock left behind right, forward on right
6 – 7 Step forward on left, pivot a full turn right on the ball of left allowing the right foot to hook in front of the left leg (point toe down for style)
8 & 1 Lock step forward – Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
Rock forward, recover, lock step back, rock back, recover, ½ turn left stepping back on right, pivot ½ turn left stepping forward on left
2 – 3 Rock forward on left, recover onto right
4 & 5 Lock step back – step back on left, lock right in front of left, step back on left
6 Rock back on right (turning right shoulder back in preparation to turn – body will naturally turn ¼ to right)
7 Recover onto left (straightening up again)
8 – 1 Pivot ½ turn left stepping back on right, pivot ½ turn left stepping forward on left
½ pivot left, skate, skate, side rock, close
2 – 3 Step forward on right, pivot ½ left transferring weight to left
4 – 5 Skate forward onto right, skate forward onto left
6 – 7 Rock right out to right side, recover onto left
(style: roll hips to right in a figure 8),
8 Close right to left
Begin dance again
Tag (end of wall one)
1 – 4 Rock left to left, recover onto right, close left to right, hold
5 – 8 Rock right to right, recover onto left, close right to left, hold
Note: sway hips in figure 8, left then right
Choreographers note:
This is a Cha cha/ Rumba so use the hips!
Style: When stepping forward: in order to move the hips when you step forward press the foot into the floor leading with the toe not the heel
Contact: Pat Stott (patstott1@hotmail.co.uk)