Start of dance: 17 slow counts, start on vocals, when he says wrapped.
When doing this dance, think in terms of quick, quick, quick, quick, slow, slow -- that is the rhythm.
(1-8) Weave Left, Sway, Sway, Weave Right, Sway, Sway
1&a2 Weave to the left by stepping right behind left, left to side, right in front of left, step onto left.
3,4 Sway hips right, sway hips left.
5&a6 Weave to the right by stepping side right with right foot, left foot behind right, side right with right foot step left foot in front of right
7,8 Sway hips Right, sway hips left.
(9-16) Step, Lock, Step Forward, Step Right Forward ½ Over Left Shoulder, Full Turn, Step Left, Skate Right, Skate Left.
1&a2 Step forward right, step left behind, step forward right, step forward left.
3,4 Step right foot forward, ½ turn pivot over left shoulder taking weight onto left.
5&a6 Full turn over left shoulder, stepping right, left, right, step forward left into a skate.
7,8 skate forward right, left.
(17-24) Travelling Jazz Box, Sway Right, Sway Left, Left Side Weave, With ¼ Turn Left, ½ Turn Pivot.
1&a2 Cross right over left, step back left, step side right, cross left over right.
3,4 sway hips to right, sway hips to left.
5&a6 Cross right behind left, step left beside right, cross right in front of left, make a ¼ turn to left, stepping onto left foot.
7,8 step forward onto right foot, make a ½ turn pivot over left shoulder stepping onto left foot.
(25-32) Full Turn Going Forward, Right, Left, Right, Step Onto Left, Rock Forward Right, Recover Onto Left, Coaster, St Ep, Step Fwd ¼ Turn Left.
1&a2 Making a full turn over your left shoulder stepping Right, Left, Right, Step forward Left. (optional is to walk forward R, L, R, L)
3,4 rock forward onto right, recover weight onto left.
5&a6 coaster step - step back on right, step together onto left, step forward right, step forward left.
7,8 step forward onto right foot, make ¼ turn left, taking weight onto left foot.
Start Over, Have Fun, and remember those moonlight nights.
When doing this dance, think in terms of quick, quick, quick, quick, slow, slow -- that is the rhythm.
(1-8) Weave Left, Sway, Sway, Weave Right, Sway, Sway
1&a2 Weave to the left by stepping right behind left, left to side, right in front of left, step onto left.
3,4 Sway hips right, sway hips left.
5&a6 Weave to the right by stepping side right with right foot, left foot behind right, side right with right foot step left foot in front of right
7,8 Sway hips Right, sway hips left.
(9-16) Step, Lock, Step Forward, Step Right Forward ½ Over Left Shoulder, Full Turn, Step Left, Skate Right, Skate Left.
1&a2 Step forward right, step left behind, step forward right, step forward left.
3,4 Step right foot forward, ½ turn pivot over left shoulder taking weight onto left.
5&a6 Full turn over left shoulder, stepping right, left, right, step forward left into a skate.
7,8 skate forward right, left.
(17-24) Travelling Jazz Box, Sway Right, Sway Left, Left Side Weave, With ¼ Turn Left, ½ Turn Pivot.
1&a2 Cross right over left, step back left, step side right, cross left over right.
3,4 sway hips to right, sway hips to left.
5&a6 Cross right behind left, step left beside right, cross right in front of left, make a ¼ turn to left, stepping onto left foot.
7,8 step forward onto right foot, make a ½ turn pivot over left shoulder stepping onto left foot.
(25-32) Full Turn Going Forward, Right, Left, Right, Step Onto Left, Rock Forward Right, Recover Onto Left, Coaster, St Ep, Step Fwd ¼ Turn Left.
1&a2 Making a full turn over your left shoulder stepping Right, Left, Right, Step forward Left. (optional is to walk forward R, L, R, L)
3,4 rock forward onto right, recover weight onto left.
5&a6 coaster step - step back on right, step together onto left, step forward right, step forward left.
7,8 step forward onto right foot, make ¼ turn left, taking weight onto left foot.
Start Over, Have Fun, and remember those moonlight nights.