To our Boardmember Anna Andersen on her 60th birthday, 26th September 2009
Start on vocals after 16 counts
Walk, walk, kick, cross, back, side, chassé L (ending 10:30)
1 - 2 Walk to right diagonal R, L
3 - 4 Kick R forward, cross R over L
5 - 6 Step back on L, step R to right
7&8 Step L to left, step R next to L, Step L to left
(with a slight turn towards left diagonal)
Walk, walk, kick, cross, back, side, behind turn step (ending 3:00)
1 - 2 Walk to left diagonal R, L
3 - 4 Kick R forward, cross R over L
5 - 6 Step back on L, step R to right
7&8 Step L behind R, make a 1/4-turn right stepping forward on R, step forward on L
Step, touch, step back, touch, point, turn, R coasterstep (ending 6:00)
1 - 2 Make a small step to right diagonal on R, touch L next to R
3 - 4 Step back on L, touch R next to L
5 - 6 Point R to right, make 1/4-turn right leaving weight on L
7&8 Step back on R, step L next to R, step forward on R
Cross, side, sailor 1/4-turn left, walk round 5/8 to the left (ending 07:30)
1 - 2 Cross L over R, step R to right
3&4 Step L behind R, step R next to L making a 1/4-turn left, step L to left
5-6-7-8 Walk R, L, R, L, making a 5/8 turn forming an arc, ending back on the starting diagonal
Ending: The dance ends on the front wall.
Dance the first 4 counts of the dance, and then do the following:
Back, back, & cross, & cross, pose
&5 &6 Step back on L, step R to right, step L next to R, cross R over L
&7 - 8 Step L to left, step R to right (weight on both feet), raise your arms on count 8 for a finish.
NOTE: Don't forget to LAUGH OUT LOUD in the right places!
Begin again!
Henrik Juul Sørensen - henrik@air-liners.dk
Start on vocals after 16 counts
Walk, walk, kick, cross, back, side, chassé L (ending 10:30)
1 - 2 Walk to right diagonal R, L
3 - 4 Kick R forward, cross R over L
5 - 6 Step back on L, step R to right
7&8 Step L to left, step R next to L, Step L to left
(with a slight turn towards left diagonal)
Walk, walk, kick, cross, back, side, behind turn step (ending 3:00)
1 - 2 Walk to left diagonal R, L
3 - 4 Kick R forward, cross R over L
5 - 6 Step back on L, step R to right
7&8 Step L behind R, make a 1/4-turn right stepping forward on R, step forward on L
Step, touch, step back, touch, point, turn, R coasterstep (ending 6:00)
1 - 2 Make a small step to right diagonal on R, touch L next to R
3 - 4 Step back on L, touch R next to L
5 - 6 Point R to right, make 1/4-turn right leaving weight on L
7&8 Step back on R, step L next to R, step forward on R
Cross, side, sailor 1/4-turn left, walk round 5/8 to the left (ending 07:30)
1 - 2 Cross L over R, step R to right
3&4 Step L behind R, step R next to L making a 1/4-turn left, step L to left
5-6-7-8 Walk R, L, R, L, making a 5/8 turn forming an arc, ending back on the starting diagonal
Ending: The dance ends on the front wall.
Dance the first 4 counts of the dance, and then do the following:
Back, back, & cross, & cross, pose
&5 &6 Step back on L, step R to right, step L next to R, cross R over L
&7 - 8 Step L to left, step R to right (weight on both feet), raise your arms on count 8 for a finish.
NOTE: Don't forget to LAUGH OUT LOUD in the right places!
Begin again!
Henrik Juul Sørensen - henrik@air-liners.dk