CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Since You Brought It Up...

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High Beginner
Rainy Dae (USA) - July 2009
Since You Brought It Up - James Otto
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32 count intro, Dance starts one beat before lyrics “You call me up..." - (CCW Rotation)

Step, ¼ R pivot, L cross shuffle, R side rock recover, weave behind & cross
1 Step forward on Right foot (12 o’clock)
2-3 Step Left forward, pivot ¼ to right (3 o’clock)
4&5 Cross step Left over right, step Right to right, cross step Left over right
6-7 Rock Right to right side, recover weight to Left
8&1 Cross Right behind left, step Left to left, cross Right over left

L side rock recover, L sailor, R forward rock recover, full turning R shuffle back
2-3 Rock L to left side, recover weight to right
4&5 Step Left behind right, step Right slightly to right, step Left in place
6-7 Rock Right foot forward, recover weight back on left (prep L foot for turn)
8&1 Step forward ½ turning right (facing 9 o’clock), continue turning right stepping ½ back on left (facing 3 o’clock), step back on right
{easier version right locking shuffle backwards}

L back rock recover, L shuffle forward, R toe strut with ½ L turn, L coaster
2-3 Rock Left foot back, recover weight forward on right
4&5 Step Left foot forward, step Right foot next to left, step left foot forward
6-7 Touch Right toe forward, rising on balls of both feet turn ½ left dropping weight down on right foot (9 o’clock)
8&1 Step Left back, step Right together, step Left forward
[ note : the 12th rotation of dance starts at 3o’clock wall and ends facing front with the coaster step ]

R toe strut with ½ L turn, L coaster, R forward rock recover, R ¼ turn, step together *
2-3 Touch Right toe forward, rising on balls of both feet turn ½ left dropping weight down on Right foot (3 o’clock)
4&5 Step Left back, step Right together, step Left forward
6-7 Rock Right foot forward, recover weight back on Left
8& Step Right to right turning ¼ right (6 o’clock) step Left next to right
* Dance starts again turning ¼ right to 9 o’clock for count 1
{ the count 8&1 is actually a half turn shuffle from 3o’clock to 9o’clock}

REPEAT / Have Fun & remember to SMILE when dancing

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