Dance repeats in a Clockwise direction.
Intro:- Begin after first Verse around 26 seconds, on the lyric " You can Beg"
Section One
Cross rock, Side rock, Sailor half turn, Step half pivot x 2, Walk L,R.
1& Rock on Right across Left, Recover on Left to place.
2& Rock on Right to right side, Recover on Left to place.
3&4 Step on Right behind Left, Quarter turn right step Left beside Right, Quarter turn right step Right forward.
5& Step Left forward, Pivot half turn right (weight ends on Right).
6& Step Left forward, Pivot half turn right (weight ends on Right).
7-8 Walk forward Left, Right.
Section Two
Half Rhumba Box, Forward Mambo, Weave quarter turn, Kick, Chasse Half turn
1&2 Step Left to left side, Step Right beside Left, Step Left forward.
3&4 Rock forward on Right, Recover back on to Left to place, Step Right back.
5&6 Step Left behind Right, Quarter turn right step Right forward, Step Left forward.
7 Kick Right forward.
8&1 Quarter turn right step Right to side, Close Left beside Right, Quarter turn right step Right forward (travelling towards 3:00).
Section Three
Cross/Back/Side, Cross/Back, Chasse Right.
2-3-4 Step Left across Right, Step Right back, Step Left to left side.
*Restart from this point on wall 6 (facing 6:00).
5-6 Step Right across Left, Step Left back.
7&8 Step Right to right side, Close Left beside Right, Step Right to right side.
Section Four
Syncopated Rocking chair, Point side, Weave behind, Hitch/Sway R, Hitch/Chasse L
1&2& Rock Left fwd, Recover back Right, Rock Left back, Recover fwd Right.
3 Point Left to left side.
4&5 Step Left behind Right, Step Right to right side, Step Left across Right.
&6 Hitch Right, Sway right stepping Right to side.
&7&8 Hitch Left, Step Left to left side, Close Right beside Left, Step Left to left side.
Repeat from beginning.
*Restart:- After count 4 of Section Three (facing 6:00), Wall 6 only.
Contact tel. 01158599951, email oipssst@ntlworld.com