**Restart on wall 4. Dance up to count 16 and Start the dance Again. (facing 9 O'clock wall)
Start the dance on the Verse after the Intro.
(1-8) Step Touch, Step Touch, And Heel, And Heel, And, Back-Back-Back
1-2 Step Rt diagonally fwd Rt, Touch Lt next to Rt
3-4 Step Lt diagonally fwd Lt, Touch Rt next to Lt
&5 Step Rt back, Touch Lt heel fwd
&6& Step Lt back, Touch Rt heel fwd, Step Rt back
7&8 Run back Lt, Rt, Lt
(9-16) Touch Hitch, Out Out, Chasse Lean, Chasse and Hitch
&1 Touch Rt toe back, Leaning body slightly fwd
2 Hitch Rt knee up (standing up straight)
3-4 Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt to Lt
5&6 Step Rt to Rt, Close Lt next to Rt, Step Rt to Rt leaning Rt
7&8 Step Lt to Lt, Close Rt to Rt, Step Lt to Lt - Lt Hitching Rt knee**
(17-24) Lunge Replace, Step Lock Back, Mambo Step, Point Hitch Turn
1-2 Lunge Rt fwd, Replace weight Lt
3&4 Step Rt back, Cross Lt over Rt, Step Rt back
5&6 Rock Lt back, Replace weight Rt, Step Lt fwd
7&8 Point Rt to Rt making 1/4 turn Lt, hitch Rt knee making 1/2 turn Lt pointing Rt to Rt
(25-32) Behind Side Cross, Rock 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn, Back, Cross Back Side Cross
1&2 Step Rt Behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Cross Rt over Lt
3&4 Rock Lt fwd, Replace weight Rt, Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping fwd Lt
5,6 Making 1/2 turn Lt stepping back Rt, Step Lt back
&7&8 Cross Rt over Lt, Step Lt back, Step Rt to Rt, Cross Lt over Rt
Jo & John Kinser Email: jo@jjkdancin.com Website: www.jjkdancin.com
Mark Furnell Email: marksfurnell@yahoo.co.uk Website: www.freewebs.com/markfurnell
Start the dance on the Verse after the Intro.
(1-8) Step Touch, Step Touch, And Heel, And Heel, And, Back-Back-Back
1-2 Step Rt diagonally fwd Rt, Touch Lt next to Rt
3-4 Step Lt diagonally fwd Lt, Touch Rt next to Lt
&5 Step Rt back, Touch Lt heel fwd
&6& Step Lt back, Touch Rt heel fwd, Step Rt back
7&8 Run back Lt, Rt, Lt
(9-16) Touch Hitch, Out Out, Chasse Lean, Chasse and Hitch
&1 Touch Rt toe back, Leaning body slightly fwd
2 Hitch Rt knee up (standing up straight)
3-4 Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt to Lt
5&6 Step Rt to Rt, Close Lt next to Rt, Step Rt to Rt leaning Rt
7&8 Step Lt to Lt, Close Rt to Rt, Step Lt to Lt - Lt Hitching Rt knee**
(17-24) Lunge Replace, Step Lock Back, Mambo Step, Point Hitch Turn
1-2 Lunge Rt fwd, Replace weight Lt
3&4 Step Rt back, Cross Lt over Rt, Step Rt back
5&6 Rock Lt back, Replace weight Rt, Step Lt fwd
7&8 Point Rt to Rt making 1/4 turn Lt, hitch Rt knee making 1/2 turn Lt pointing Rt to Rt
(25-32) Behind Side Cross, Rock 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn, Back, Cross Back Side Cross
1&2 Step Rt Behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Cross Rt over Lt
3&4 Rock Lt fwd, Replace weight Rt, Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping fwd Lt
5,6 Making 1/2 turn Lt stepping back Rt, Step Lt back
&7&8 Cross Rt over Lt, Step Lt back, Step Rt to Rt, Cross Lt over Rt
Jo & John Kinser Email: jo@jjkdancin.com Website: www.jjkdancin.com
Mark Furnell Email: marksfurnell@yahoo.co.uk Website: www.freewebs.com/markfurnell