Phrased Intermediate
Intro: 32 count intro, start on vocals (well)
SEQUENCE – A A B tag A B A B A B B B B (note, no 'and' beats in the dance (except one!) all steps are single counts)
Sec 1: R Forward Shuffle, Hold, L Forward, ½ R, L Forward, Hold
1-4 Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward, hold for one count
5-8 Step forward onto left, pivot ½ right, step forward onto left, hold for one count
Sec 2: Triple Full Turn L, Hold, L Coaster Heel, Hold
1-4 Triple full turn left stepping right left right, hold for one count
Easy option for counts 1-3: Shuffle forward right left right
5-8 Step back onto left, step right next to left, tap left diagonally forward left, hold for one count
Sec 3: & Hitch L, L Forward Shuffle, Hold, R Forward Mambo, Hold
&1-4 Hitch left knee, step forward onto left, step right next to left, step forward onto left, hold for one count
5-8 Rock forward onto right, recover weight back onto left, step right slightly back, hold for one count
Sec 4: L Back Shuffle, Hold, R Back Mambo, Hold
1-4 Step back onto left, step right next to left, step back onto left, hold for one count
5-8 Rock back onto right, recover weight forward onto left, step right slightly forward, hold for one count
Sec 5: L Sugar-Foot, Hold, R Sugar-Foot, Hold
1-2 Touch left toe next to right in-step, touch left heel to right instep
3-4 Cross step left over right, hold for one count
5-6 Touch right toe next to left in-step, touch right heel to left instep
7-8 Cross step right over left, hold for one count
Sec 6: Push Hips LRL, Hold, L Behind, R ¼ R, L Forward, Hold
1-4 Touching left to left side push hips left right left keeping weight on right, hold for one count
5-8 Cross step left behind right, step right ¼ right, step forward onto left, hold for one count
Sec 1: R Side Mambo, Hold, Clap 3 Times, Hold
1-4 Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left, step right next to left, hold for one count
5-8 Clap hands 3 times (it's in the song!) hold for one count
Sec 2: L Side Mambo, Hold, Stomp In Place RLR, Hold
1-4 Rock left to left side, recover weight onto right, step left next to right, hold for one count
5-8 Stomp in place right left right, hold for one count
Sec 3: L Side, Tap R, R Side, Tap L, ¼ L Vine, Hold
1-4 Step left to left side, tap right toe next to left, step right to right side, tap left toe next to right
(swing arms to left and click) (swing arms to right and click)
5-8 Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left ¼ left, hold for one count
Option: rolling 1 ¼ left vine
Sec 4: R Forward Toe Strut, L Forward Toe Strut, R Back Toe Strut, L Back Toe Strut
1-4 Touch right toe forward, drop right heel, touch left toe forward, drop left heel (clicking fingers)
5-8 Touch right toe back, drop right heel, touch left toe back, drop left heel
(Clicking fingers, bending slightly forward, relaxed knees – jive-style)
AFTER first B section, do 1st 8 counts of A and then restart section A again.
You will start Section B facing 6 o'clock, add tag facing 9 o'clock.
ENDING: After the 4th B Section, do the first 8 counts of A but instead of 'hold' stomp R forward, arms out – taa daa!
Pat patstott1@hotmail.co.uk / Alan alan.haywood@yahoo.com
SEQUENCE – A A B tag A B A B A B B B B (note, no 'and' beats in the dance (except one!) all steps are single counts)
Sec 1: R Forward Shuffle, Hold, L Forward, ½ R, L Forward, Hold
1-4 Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward, hold for one count
5-8 Step forward onto left, pivot ½ right, step forward onto left, hold for one count
Sec 2: Triple Full Turn L, Hold, L Coaster Heel, Hold
1-4 Triple full turn left stepping right left right, hold for one count
Easy option for counts 1-3: Shuffle forward right left right
5-8 Step back onto left, step right next to left, tap left diagonally forward left, hold for one count
Sec 3: & Hitch L, L Forward Shuffle, Hold, R Forward Mambo, Hold
&1-4 Hitch left knee, step forward onto left, step right next to left, step forward onto left, hold for one count
5-8 Rock forward onto right, recover weight back onto left, step right slightly back, hold for one count
Sec 4: L Back Shuffle, Hold, R Back Mambo, Hold
1-4 Step back onto left, step right next to left, step back onto left, hold for one count
5-8 Rock back onto right, recover weight forward onto left, step right slightly forward, hold for one count
Sec 5: L Sugar-Foot, Hold, R Sugar-Foot, Hold
1-2 Touch left toe next to right in-step, touch left heel to right instep
3-4 Cross step left over right, hold for one count
5-6 Touch right toe next to left in-step, touch right heel to left instep
7-8 Cross step right over left, hold for one count
Sec 6: Push Hips LRL, Hold, L Behind, R ¼ R, L Forward, Hold
1-4 Touching left to left side push hips left right left keeping weight on right, hold for one count
5-8 Cross step left behind right, step right ¼ right, step forward onto left, hold for one count
Sec 1: R Side Mambo, Hold, Clap 3 Times, Hold
1-4 Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left, step right next to left, hold for one count
5-8 Clap hands 3 times (it's in the song!) hold for one count
Sec 2: L Side Mambo, Hold, Stomp In Place RLR, Hold
1-4 Rock left to left side, recover weight onto right, step left next to right, hold for one count
5-8 Stomp in place right left right, hold for one count
Sec 3: L Side, Tap R, R Side, Tap L, ¼ L Vine, Hold
1-4 Step left to left side, tap right toe next to left, step right to right side, tap left toe next to right
(swing arms to left and click) (swing arms to right and click)
5-8 Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left ¼ left, hold for one count
Option: rolling 1 ¼ left vine
Sec 4: R Forward Toe Strut, L Forward Toe Strut, R Back Toe Strut, L Back Toe Strut
1-4 Touch right toe forward, drop right heel, touch left toe forward, drop left heel (clicking fingers)
5-8 Touch right toe back, drop right heel, touch left toe back, drop left heel
(Clicking fingers, bending slightly forward, relaxed knees – jive-style)
AFTER first B section, do 1st 8 counts of A and then restart section A again.
You will start Section B facing 6 o'clock, add tag facing 9 o'clock.
ENDING: After the 4th B Section, do the first 8 counts of A but instead of 'hold' stomp R forward, arms out – taa daa!
Pat patstott1@hotmail.co.uk / Alan alan.haywood@yahoo.com