Side Together Side Touch, Side Together Side Kick
1-4 Step right to side, step left next to right, step right to side, touch left next to right
5-8 Step left to side, step right next to left, step left to side, kick right forward
Rocking Chair, ¼ Paddle Turns
1-4 Rock right forward, recover on left, rock right back, recover on left
5-8 Step right forward to make ¼ L keep weight on left, repeat
Cross Point, Behind Point (Twice), Cross Point
1-4 Cross right over left, point left to side, step left behind right, point right to side
5-8 Step right behind left, point left to side, cross left over right, point right to side
Jazz Box ¼ R, Shimmy
1-4 Cross right over left, step left back, step right to side ¼ R, step left next to right
5-8 Big step right to side, drag left to right with 2 counts, step left next to right
TAG: at the END of 3rd wall facing 9 o'clock and 5th wall facing 3 o'clock
Repeat 5-8 counts of 4th section
1-4 Step right to side, step left next to right, step right to side, touch left next to right
5-8 Step left to side, step right next to left, step left to side, kick right forward
Rocking Chair, ¼ Paddle Turns
1-4 Rock right forward, recover on left, rock right back, recover on left
5-8 Step right forward to make ¼ L keep weight on left, repeat
Cross Point, Behind Point (Twice), Cross Point
1-4 Cross right over left, point left to side, step left behind right, point right to side
5-8 Step right behind left, point left to side, cross left over right, point right to side
Jazz Box ¼ R, Shimmy
1-4 Cross right over left, step left back, step right to side ¼ R, step left next to right
5-8 Big step right to side, drag left to right with 2 counts, step left next to right
TAG: at the END of 3rd wall facing 9 o'clock and 5th wall facing 3 o'clock
Repeat 5-8 counts of 4th section