CopperKnob Stepsheets

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So Incredible

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Phrased Intermediate
Milo Eve (NL) - October 2008
So Incredible - Ilse DeLange
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Start dancing on lyrics

Sequence: 16 count intro, ABCD, TAG 1, CCC, AA, BB, CC, DD, A(begin on count 1, not the & count), A, BB, CC, DD, A(begin on count 1, not the & count), A, BB(end with step instead of touch), TAG 2, CC, D

& Rock left to side
1&2 Recover to right, cross left behind right, step right to side
3&4 Cross left over right, rock right to side, recover to left
&5 Cross right over left, rock left to side
&6 Recover to right and ¼ turn left, step left behind
&7-8 Step right together, step left forward, touch right toe together

9&10 Touch right toe to side, step right together and ½ turn right, touch left toe to side
11&12 Cross left over right, close right behind left, cross left over right
13&14 Step right to side and ¼ turn left, step left behind and ½ turn left, rock right forward
15-16 Rock right behind, touch right toe together

&1 Rock right to side, recover to left
&2 Cross right behind left, step left to side
3&4 Cross right over left, rock left to side, recover to right
&5 Cross left over right, rock right to side
&6 Recover to left and ¼ turn right, step right behind
&7-8 Step left together, step right forward, touch left toe together

9&10 Touch left toe to side, step left together and ½ turn left, touch right toe to side
11&12 Cross right over left, left close behind right, cross right over left
13&14 Step left to side and ¼ turn right, step right behind and ½ turn right, rock left forward
15-16 Rock left behind, touch left toe together

1-4 Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side and ¼ turn left, step right forward and ¼ turn left
5-8 Step left to side and ¼ turn left, step right forward and ¼ turn left, cross left behind right, step right to side

&9 Step left together, rock right to side
&10 Recover to left, touch right toe together
&11 Right kick forward, step right together
&12 Rock left behind, recover to right
13-16 Cross left over right, step right to side and ¼ turn left, step left behind and ¼ turn left, touch right toe together

1&2 Step right to side, step left together, step right to side
3-4 Cross left over right, recover to right
5&6 Step left to side, step right together, step left to side and ¼ turn left
7&8 Step right forward and ½ turn left, step left behind and ½ turn left, touch right toe together

9-10 Step right to side, cross left behind right
11-12 Step right to side and ¼ turn right, step left forward and ¼ turn right
13-14 Step right to side and ¼ turn right, step left forward and ¼ turn right
15-16 Cross right behind left, step left to side

1-4 Cross right over left, step left to side and ¼ turn right, step right to side, step left together
5-8 Cross right over left, step left to side and ¼ turn right, step right to side, touch left toe together

1&2 Rock right forward, recover to left and ½ turn left, step right forward
3&4 Rock left forward, recover to right and ½ turn right, step left forward
5&6 Rock right forward, recover to left, step right behind
7&8 Rock left behind, recover to right, touch left toe together

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