CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Tears Fall

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Angela Rushing (USA) - September 2008
Oh! Carol - Neil Sedaka : (CD: Simply the Best of the 60)
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Dance starts: 35 count intro (“Oh! Carol”)

Be in the beat of the music (slow dance)

"Boogie” Forward Toe Heel Struts
1-2 Step forward Right toe diagonal, step heel down
3-4 Step forward Left toe diagonal, step heel down
5-6 Step forward Right toe diagonal, step heel down
7-8 Step forward Left toe diagonal, step heel down

Heel, Toe, Shuffles
1-2 Point Right heel forward, Point Right toe instep next to Left foot
3-4 Repeat 1&2
5-6 Shuffle Right Foot forward – right, left, right
7-8 Point Left heel forward, point Left toe instep next to Right foot
1-2 Repeat 7&8
3-4 Shuffle Left foot forward – left, right, leftt

Step Side, Touch, (R-L), Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle
5-6 Step Right foot to side, touch Left foot next to Right
7-8 Step Left foot to side, touch Right foot next to Left
1-2-3&4 Rock right to side, recover onto left, cross right over left, step left to side, cross right over left
5-6-7&8 Rock left to side, recover onto right, cross left over right, step right to side, cross left over right

Backward Locks, Cross Rock, Making ¼ Turn, Chasse
1-2 Step right back, lock left over right, step right back
3-4 Step left back, lock right over left, step left back
5-6 Cross right over left, making ¼ turn, recover to left
7-8 Step right to right, close left beside right, step right to right

Fwd Point, Cross (L-R), Backward Point, Cross
1-2 Point Left foot to side, cross Left foot over Right
3-4 Point Right foot to side, cross Right foot over Left
5-6 Point Left foot to side, cross Left behind Right foot
7-8 Point Right foot to side, cross Right behind Left foot

R-Weave, Touch, L-Weave, Touch
1-4 Step left foot across in front of right, step right to right side, step left foot back behind right, touch Right foot next to Left
5-8 Step Right foot across in front of left, step left foot to left side, step right foot back behind left, touch left foot next to Right

1-2 Rock Left foot forward, recover onto Right
3-4 Cha-cha in place – left, right, left

Repeat counts 1-64 Enjoy dancing and have fun

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