Dance begins in the last count before singer starts to sing.
Nightclub Basic X 2, Reverse Basic X 2
1-2& step right to side, step left behind right, step right in place
3-4& step left to side, step right behind left, step left in place
5-6& step right to side, step left across right, step right in place
intermediate: Step right to side, left across right, unwind full turn right, step right in place
7-8& step left to left side, step right across left, step left in place
Turn ¼ R, Sweep, Step, Lock Step, Sweep, Cross Step, Step Back, Step To The Side, Rock Step Back, Modified Vine L With ¼ Turn L
1& turn ¼ right, step right forward, sweep left to Front
2&3 step left forward, step right in lock position, step left forward
&4&5 sweep right to Front, step right across left, step left back, step right to side
6-7 rock step back: step left back, right in place
8&1 step left to side, right behind and cross left, turn ¼ left and step left forward (12.00)
intermediate: turn ¼ left and step left forward, turn around and step right together, step left forward (12.00)
Rock Step With ½ Turn R, Run, Run, Walk, Rock Step Forward, Coaster Step
2-3 step right forward, step left in place and turn ½ right
4&5 step forward right left right
6-7 step left forward, step right in place
8&1 step left back, right together, step left forward
Pivot Turn ½ L, Run, Run, Walk, Rock Step Forward, Step Together, Touch
2-3 step right forward, turn ½ left, step right in place
4&5 step forward right left right
6&7-8 step left forward, right in place, step left together, touch right together
Nightclub Basic X 2, Reverse Basic X 2
1-2& step right to side, step left behind right, step right in place
3-4& step left to side, step right behind left, step left in place
5-6& step right to side, step left across right, step right in place
intermediate: Step right to side, left across right, unwind full turn right, step right in place
7-8& step left to left side, step right across left, step left in place
Turn ¼ R, Sweep, Step, Lock Step, Sweep, Cross Step, Step Back, Step To The Side, Rock Step Back, Modified Vine L With ¼ Turn L
1& turn ¼ right, step right forward, sweep left to Front
2&3 step left forward, step right in lock position, step left forward
&4&5 sweep right to Front, step right across left, step left back, step right to side
6-7 rock step back: step left back, right in place
8&1 step left to side, right behind and cross left, turn ¼ left and step left forward (12.00)
intermediate: turn ¼ left and step left forward, turn around and step right together, step left forward (12.00)
Rock Step With ½ Turn R, Run, Run, Walk, Rock Step Forward, Coaster Step
2-3 step right forward, step left in place and turn ½ right
4&5 step forward right left right
6-7 step left forward, step right in place
8&1 step left back, right together, step left forward
Pivot Turn ½ L, Run, Run, Walk, Rock Step Forward, Step Together, Touch
2-3 step right forward, turn ½ left, step right in place
4&5 step forward right left right
6&7-8 step left forward, right in place, step left together, touch right together