Easy Intermediate
Also from www.4cardtrick.com as a **FREE DOWNLOAD**. & www.deansville.com
Start time & BPM: Dance starts 20 counts in on main vocals. (BPM 142)
Chasse Right, Rock Back Replace, Triple fwd ½ turn R, rock back replace
1&2 Chasse R to R side (12.00)
3-4 Rock back L, replace weight on R
5&6 Travelling slightly fwd triple ½ turn R
7-8 Rock back R, replace weight on L (6.00)
Chasse R, Rock Back Replace, Triple back ¼ turn R, rock back replace
1&2 Chasse R to R side
3-4 Rock back L, replace weight on R
5&6 Travelling slightly back triple ¼ turn R
7-8 Rock back R, replace weight on L (9.00)
Toe Heel Struts x 2, Pivot ½ turn Shuffle fwd
1-2 Toe Heel Strut R
3-4 Toe heel Strut L (Restart here on wall 3)
5-6 Pivot ½ turn L
7&8 Shuffle fwd R (3.00)
Rock replace, Coaster, Jazz Jump Fwd with Heel Bounces
1-2 Rock fwd on L, replace weight to R
3&4 L coaster step
&5 Small jump fwd on R, step L next to R about shoulder width apart
6-7-8 3 heel bounces weight to end on L (3.00)
Kick Ball Cross, Step Touch to Right Side, Kick Ball Cross, Step Touch to left
1&2 Kick R to slight R diagonal, step R next to L, cross L over R
3-4 Step R to R side, touch L next to R
5&6 Kick L to slight L diagonal, step L next to R, cross R over L
7-8 Step L to L side, touch R next to L (3.00)
Monterey ¼ turn x 2
1-2-3-4 Point R to R side, make 1/4 turn R, bring R next to L, point L to L side, step L next to R
5-6-7-8 Repeat 1-4 (9.00)
Grapevine right with touch, turning vine L with Brush
1-2-3-4 Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, touch L next to R
5-6-7-8 Whole turn vine to L ending with a brush fwd with the R (9.00)
Over back back, over back back, walk walk
1-2-3 Cross R over left, step back on L, step back on R to slight R diagonal
4-5-6 Cross L over right, step back on R, step L back to slight L diagonal
7-8 Walk fwd R, L (9.00)
Notes: Restart during wall 3, section 3 after the 2nd toe strut, Start from
beginning facing 3’o clock wall.
On wall 5 you have a taglet, an extra 4 counts, just do handbag! Start dance
facing 9 o’clock wall
1-2 Step R to R, touch L next to R
3-4 Step L to L, touch R next to L
Start time & BPM: Dance starts 20 counts in on main vocals. (BPM 142)
Chasse Right, Rock Back Replace, Triple fwd ½ turn R, rock back replace
1&2 Chasse R to R side (12.00)
3-4 Rock back L, replace weight on R
5&6 Travelling slightly fwd triple ½ turn R
7-8 Rock back R, replace weight on L (6.00)
Chasse R, Rock Back Replace, Triple back ¼ turn R, rock back replace
1&2 Chasse R to R side
3-4 Rock back L, replace weight on R
5&6 Travelling slightly back triple ¼ turn R
7-8 Rock back R, replace weight on L (9.00)
Toe Heel Struts x 2, Pivot ½ turn Shuffle fwd
1-2 Toe Heel Strut R
3-4 Toe heel Strut L (Restart here on wall 3)
5-6 Pivot ½ turn L
7&8 Shuffle fwd R (3.00)
Rock replace, Coaster, Jazz Jump Fwd with Heel Bounces
1-2 Rock fwd on L, replace weight to R
3&4 L coaster step
&5 Small jump fwd on R, step L next to R about shoulder width apart
6-7-8 3 heel bounces weight to end on L (3.00)
Kick Ball Cross, Step Touch to Right Side, Kick Ball Cross, Step Touch to left
1&2 Kick R to slight R diagonal, step R next to L, cross L over R
3-4 Step R to R side, touch L next to R
5&6 Kick L to slight L diagonal, step L next to R, cross R over L
7-8 Step L to L side, touch R next to L (3.00)
Monterey ¼ turn x 2
1-2-3-4 Point R to R side, make 1/4 turn R, bring R next to L, point L to L side, step L next to R
5-6-7-8 Repeat 1-4 (9.00)
Grapevine right with touch, turning vine L with Brush
1-2-3-4 Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, touch L next to R
5-6-7-8 Whole turn vine to L ending with a brush fwd with the R (9.00)
Over back back, over back back, walk walk
1-2-3 Cross R over left, step back on L, step back on R to slight R diagonal
4-5-6 Cross L over right, step back on R, step L back to slight L diagonal
7-8 Walk fwd R, L (9.00)
Notes: Restart during wall 3, section 3 after the 2nd toe strut, Start from
beginning facing 3’o clock wall.
On wall 5 you have a taglet, an extra 4 counts, just do handbag! Start dance
facing 9 o’clock wall
1-2 Step R to R, touch L next to R
3-4 Step L to L, touch R next to L