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Turn Down The Lights

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Paul Dornstedt (USA) & Karla Dornstedt (USA) - July 2008
Turn Down the Lights - Neil Diamond : (CD: Three Chord Opera)
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Lead in 24 counts.

(1 – 6) Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Sweep, Cross
1 - 3 Cross left over right, step right side right, cross left behind right
4 - 6 Step right side right, sweep left forward and across, cross left over right

(7 – 12) Back, Side, Cross, Full Turn Left
1 - 3 Step back on right, step left side left and slightly back, cross right over left
4 - 6 Turn 1/4 left and step forward on left, turn 1/2 left and step back on right, turn 1/4 left and step left side left (12:00)

(13 – 18) Cross, Side, Behind, 1/4 Left, Sweep, Cross
1 - 3 Cross right over left, step left side left, cross right behind left
4 - 6 Turn 1/4 left and step forward on left, sweep right forward and across left, cross right over left (9:00)

(19 – 24) Back, Side, Cross, Rock, Recover, Cross
1 - 3 Step back on left, step right side right and slightly back, cross left over right
4 - 6 Rock right side right, recover weight back on left, cross right over left

(25 – 30) Diamond
1 - 3 Step left to left forward diagonal, complete 1/4 left turn and step right next to left, step left next to right (6:00)
4 - 6 Step right to right back diagonal, complete 1/4 left turn and step left next to right, step right next to left (3:00)

(31 – 36) Diamond
1 - 3 Step left to left forward diagonal, complete 1/4 left turn and step right next to left, step left next to right (12:00)
4 - 6 Step right to right back diagonal, complete 1/4 left turn and step left next to right, step right next to left (9:00)
Restart Here: DURING The 3rd Rotation.

(37 – 42) Forward Coaster, Back, 1/2 Left, Forward
1 - 3 Step forward left, step right next to left, step back on left
4 - 6 Step back on right, turn 1/2 left and step forward on left, take a short step forward on right (3:00)

(43 – 48) Forward, 1/2 Left, Back, Back Coaster
1 - 3 Step forward on left, turn 1/2 left and step right next to left, take a short step back left (9:00)
4 - 6 Step back on right, step left next to right, step right to right forward diagonal


RESTART: DURING 3rd rotation. Complete 36 steps. (complete the diamond) You will be facing the 3 o'clock wall, and start the dance again.

ENDING (optional): The last rotation starts on the 9:00 o'clock wall. The music slows down, dance to the beat of the music. Dance the first 9 counts.
4 - 6 Turn 1/4 left and step forward on left, cross right over left and slowly unwind to the front wall.

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