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Don't Stop The Music

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Phrased Improver
Joanne Wong (MY), Rebecca Lee (MY) & Wong Wai Fong - July 2008
Don't Stop the Music - Rihanna
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Sequence: AAA, BB, AA, BB, C, A, BB, C, A

Walk X2, Pivot ½ Turn Left, Walk X2, Pivot ½ Turn Left
1 - 2 Facing right diagonal, walk forward right, left (1 - 2)
3 - 4 Step forward on right (3), pivot ½ turn left (4)
5 - 6 Facing right diagonal, walk forward right, left (5 - 6)
7 - 8 Step forward on right (7), pivot ½ turn left (8)

Side Rock Cross X2, Monterey ¾ Turn Right, Hip Push
1 & 2 Rock right to right side (1), recover on left (&), cross right over left (2)
3 & 4 Rock left to left side (3), recover on right (&), cross left over right (4)
5 - 6 Touch right to right side (5), make a ¾ turn right, stepping right beside left (6)
7 - 8 Bend both knees, then push hips out, straightening both legs with body bending forward (7), stand up straight with weight on left (8)

Paddle ¾ Left, Touch, Mambo Forward, Mambo Back
1 - 4 Paddle ¾ turn left, stepping right to right side on each count (1 - 3), touch right beside left (4)
5 & 6 Rock forward on right (5), recover on left (&), step back on right (6)
7 & 8 Rock back on left (7), recover on right (&), step forward on left (8)

Charleston, ¼ Right, ¼ Left Sweep, Sailor, Knee Pop X2
1 - 2 Touch right heel forward (1), touch right toe back (2)
3 - 4 Make a ¼ turn right, stepping on right foot (3), make a ¼ turn left and sweep left to left side (4)
5 & 6 Step left behind right (5), step right to right side (&), step left to left side, facing left diagonal (6)
7 - 8 Pop both knees forward and recover (7), pop both knees forward and recover, changing direction from left diagonal to right diagonal (8)

PART B (32 Counts)
Sailor Step, Unwind Full Turn Left, S Lide, Walks X2
1 & 2 Step right behind left (1), step left to left side (&), step right to right side (2)
3 - 4 Cross left behind right (3), unwind full turn left, weight on left (4)
5 - 6 Step right a big step to right side, sliding left foot towards right foot (5), step left beside right (6)
7 - 8 Walk forward right, left (7 - 8)

Out, Out, Twists, Sweeps X3, Step
1 - 2 Step right to right side (1), step left to left side (2)
& 3 & 4 Twist left ball to left and right heel to right (&), return to front (3), twist left heel to left and right ball to right (&), return to front, weight on left (4)
Note: Counts & 3 & 4 can be simplified by just doing the steps & 3 and change the counting to 3 - 4.
5 - 8 Step right beside left and sweep left to left side (5), step left behind right and sweep right to right side (6), step right behind left and sweep left to left side (7) step left beside right, making a ¼ turn left (8)

Heel Jacks, Scuff Sw Ing Hitch ½ Turn Right, Dorothy Steps X2
1 & 2 & Touch right heel forward (1), step right beside left (&), touch left heel forward (2), step left beside right (&)
3 - 4 Scuff right foot forward (3), swing right foot back and hitch right knee, making a ½ turn right (4)
5 - 6 & Step right to right diagonal (5), step left behind right (6), step right to right diagonal (&)
7 - 8 & Step left to left diagonal (7), step right behind left (8), step left to left diagonal (&)

Stomp Forward, Heel Toe Swivels X2
1 - 4 Stomp right to right diagonal (1), swivel left heel towards right foot (2), swivel left toe towards right foot (3), swivel left heel towards right foot (4)
5 - 8 Stomp left to left diagonal (5), swivel right heel towards left foot (6), swivel right toe towards left foot (7), swivel right heel towards left foot, weight on left, body facing right diagonal (8)
Styling: During heel toe swivels, chest pumps may be added.

PART C (32 Counts)
Heel Bounce With Arms X4, Hip Swings
1 - 4 Step right to right side, body facing left diagonal, bending both knees and body forward, bounce heels 4 times, facing from left diagonal to right diagonal (1 - 4)
Styling: When stepping right, place right arm in front of body and left arm behind body, both palms face down, as if pressing on a table. As you bounce heel and change direction, slowly rotate arms around until you end up with left arm in front of body and right arm behind body, facing right diagonal.
5 - 8 Still bending knees and arms remaining in position, swing hips to right (5), swing hips to left (6), swing hips to right (7), touch left beside right (8)

Hip Swings, ½ Turn Right
1 - 4 Step left to left side and swing hips to left while bending both knees (1), swing hips to right (2), swing hips to left (3), touch right beside left (4)
Arms: Similar to the arms for counts 5 - 8 of 1st 8 of part C
5 - 8 Step right to right side and s wing hips to right while bending both knees (5), swing hips to left (6), swing hips to right (7), step left beside right, making a ½ turn right (8)
Arms: Same as arms stated for counts 1 - 4 of 2nd 8 of part C

Heel Bounce With Arms X4, Hip Swings
1 - 4 Step right to right side, body facing left diagonal, bending both knees and body forward, bounce heels 4 times, facing from left diagonal to right diagonal (1 - 4)
Styling: When stepping right, place right arm in front of body and left arm behind body, both palms face down, as if pressing on a table. As you bounce heel and change direction, slowly rotate arms around until you end up with left arm in front of body and right arm behind body, facing right diagonal.
5 - 8 Still bending knees and arms remaining in position, swing hips to right (5), swing hips to left (6), swing hips to right (7), touch left beside right (8)

Hip Swings, Step Together
1 - 4 Repeat counts 1 - 4 of 2nd 8 of part C
Styling: Same as stated
5 - 8 Repeat counts 5 - 7 of 2nd 8 of part C, step left beside right (8)

Choreographer's note: The way to execute Part C is to imagine that you're surfing in the sea at California beach, so just chill, relax and have fun!!!

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