Sequence: AAB, AAB, C, Tag, C, B, A to the end
1-2 Step right, pivot ½ left
3&4 Step right, lock left behind right, step right
5-6 Rock out to left and recover
7&8 Cross left behind right, step ¼ onto right foot, step left
1-2 Rock right forward foot and recover
3-4 Walk backwards (right-left)
5-6 Rock right back and recover
7-8 Keeping weight on left foot, pivot ½ right over right shoulder; hitch right knee
1-2 Rock right back and recover
3&4 Kick right to front, step right, step left
5-6 Sway hips left, right
7-8 Step ¼ left over left shoulder and hold
1-2 Step right, step turn ½ left back foot over right shoulder
3-4 Rock right back and recover
5-6 Sway right and hold
7&8 Cross left behind right, step ¼ onto right foot, step left
1-4 Right weave, scuff the left
5-8 Rock forward and backwards on left
1-4 Left weave, scuff the right
5-8 Rock forward and backwards on right
1-4 Step right, pivot ½ left, step right (clap twice)
5-8 Step left, pivot ½ right, step left (clap twice)
1-4 Walk forward right-left-right, kick left foot forward (walks can be replaced with ½ turns if preferred)
5-8 Walk backward left-right-left, touch right next to left
Much slower pace than rest of dance
1-2& Step right, rock left back and recover
3&4 Rock out to left, recover on right, touch left next to right
5&6 Step left, step ½ over left shoulder onto right foot, and step ½ over left shoulder onto left foot
7-8 Sway right, sway left
1-2& Step ¼ right onto right foot, step left, pivot ½ over right shoulder
3&4 Right sailor on spot
5-6 Cross left behind right, unwind/pivot ¾ over left shoulder
7&8& Step right, lock left foot behind right, step right; step left next to right on & count
1-2 Rock right forward foot and recover
3&4 ½ turn step right back, ½ turn step on left over right shoulder; step right
5-6 Rock left back foot and recover
7 Step left
1-2 Step right, pivot ½ left
3&4 Step right, lock left behind right, step right
5-6 Rock out to left and recover
7&8 Cross left behind right, step ¼ onto right foot, step left
1-2 Rock right forward foot and recover
3-4 Walk backwards (right-left)
5-6 Rock right back and recover
7-8 Keeping weight on left foot, pivot ½ right over right shoulder; hitch right knee
1-2 Rock right back and recover
3&4 Kick right to front, step right, step left
5-6 Sway hips left, right
7-8 Step ¼ left over left shoulder and hold
1-2 Step right, step turn ½ left back foot over right shoulder
3-4 Rock right back and recover
5-6 Sway right and hold
7&8 Cross left behind right, step ¼ onto right foot, step left
1-4 Right weave, scuff the left
5-8 Rock forward and backwards on left
1-4 Left weave, scuff the right
5-8 Rock forward and backwards on right
1-4 Step right, pivot ½ left, step right (clap twice)
5-8 Step left, pivot ½ right, step left (clap twice)
1-4 Walk forward right-left-right, kick left foot forward (walks can be replaced with ½ turns if preferred)
5-8 Walk backward left-right-left, touch right next to left
Much slower pace than rest of dance
1-2& Step right, rock left back and recover
3&4 Rock out to left, recover on right, touch left next to right
5&6 Step left, step ½ over left shoulder onto right foot, and step ½ over left shoulder onto left foot
7-8 Sway right, sway left
1-2& Step ¼ right onto right foot, step left, pivot ½ over right shoulder
3&4 Right sailor on spot
5-6 Cross left behind right, unwind/pivot ¾ over left shoulder
7&8& Step right, lock left foot behind right, step right; step left next to right on & count
1-2 Rock right forward foot and recover
3&4 ½ turn step right back, ½ turn step on left over right shoulder; step right
5-6 Rock left back foot and recover
7 Step left