Intro: 16 Counts
(1-8) Mambo forward, mambo back, side rock, & recover, step forward, side rock, & recover, step forward,
1&2 Rock forward onto R, recover onto L, step R beside L,
3&4 Rock back onto L, recover onto R, step L beside R
5&6 Rock R to right side & push hips right, & recover, step forward on R,
7&8 Rock L to left side & push hips left, & recover, step forward on L,
(9-16) Walk R.L, pivot ½ turn R, walk L.R, scissor step, big step R, drag & touch,
1- 2 Step forward on R, step forward on L,
&3-4 Pivot ½ turn R, step forward on L, step forward on R, (6h00)
5&6 Step L to left side, close R beside L, cross L over R,
7-8 Step big step R to right side, drag L towards R & touch L beside R,
(17-24) Sailor step ¼ turn L, sway R.L, Sailor shuffle, sway L.R,
1&2 Cross L behind R, turn ¼ left stepping R to right side, step forward on L, (3h00)
3-4 Step R to right side and sway hips right, left
5&6 Cross R behind L, step L to left side, close R beside L,
7-8 Step L to left side sway hips left, right,
(25-32) Sailor shuffle, side, together, chasse, cross rock, ¼ turn L recover,
1&2 Cross L behind R, step R to right side, close L beside R,
3-4 Step R to right side, close L beside R,
5&6 Step R to right side, close L beside R, step R to right side,
Option: add some cuban hips on counts 27-30.
7-8 Rock L over R, ¼ turn L recover onto R, (12h00)
(33-40) Step, together, chasse ¼ turn L, jazz box touch,
1-2 Step L to left side, close R beside L,
3&4 Step left to left side, close R beside L, ¼ turn L stepping L forward, (9h00)
5-6 Cross R over L, step back on L,
7-8 Step R to right side, touch L beside R,
(41-48) side lunge left, recover, coaster step, side lunge right, recover, cross, unwind.
1-2 Big step (rock) L to left side, recover onto R
3&4 Step back on L, step R beside L, step L forward,
5-6 Big step (rock) R to right side, recover onto L
7-8 Cross R over L, ½ turn left weight ends on L. (3h00)
Restarts: There are two restarts in this dance!
The first restart: is during the second wall after the counts 43&44 (coaster step) in section 6 ( facing 12h00).
The second restart: is during the sixth wall after the counts 23-24 in section 3 (sway L.R, facing 12h00)
Add this after the sway L.R: & step L beside R to restart the dance!
(1-8) Mambo forward, mambo back, side rock, & recover, step forward, side rock, & recover, step forward,
1&2 Rock forward onto R, recover onto L, step R beside L,
3&4 Rock back onto L, recover onto R, step L beside R
5&6 Rock R to right side & push hips right, & recover, step forward on R,
7&8 Rock L to left side & push hips left, & recover, step forward on L,
(9-16) Walk R.L, pivot ½ turn R, walk L.R, scissor step, big step R, drag & touch,
1- 2 Step forward on R, step forward on L,
&3-4 Pivot ½ turn R, step forward on L, step forward on R, (6h00)
5&6 Step L to left side, close R beside L, cross L over R,
7-8 Step big step R to right side, drag L towards R & touch L beside R,
(17-24) Sailor step ¼ turn L, sway R.L, Sailor shuffle, sway L.R,
1&2 Cross L behind R, turn ¼ left stepping R to right side, step forward on L, (3h00)
3-4 Step R to right side and sway hips right, left
5&6 Cross R behind L, step L to left side, close R beside L,
7-8 Step L to left side sway hips left, right,
(25-32) Sailor shuffle, side, together, chasse, cross rock, ¼ turn L recover,
1&2 Cross L behind R, step R to right side, close L beside R,
3-4 Step R to right side, close L beside R,
5&6 Step R to right side, close L beside R, step R to right side,
Option: add some cuban hips on counts 27-30.
7-8 Rock L over R, ¼ turn L recover onto R, (12h00)
(33-40) Step, together, chasse ¼ turn L, jazz box touch,
1-2 Step L to left side, close R beside L,
3&4 Step left to left side, close R beside L, ¼ turn L stepping L forward, (9h00)
5-6 Cross R over L, step back on L,
7-8 Step R to right side, touch L beside R,
(41-48) side lunge left, recover, coaster step, side lunge right, recover, cross, unwind.
1-2 Big step (rock) L to left side, recover onto R
3&4 Step back on L, step R beside L, step L forward,
5-6 Big step (rock) R to right side, recover onto L
7-8 Cross R over L, ½ turn left weight ends on L. (3h00)
Restarts: There are two restarts in this dance!
The first restart: is during the second wall after the counts 43&44 (coaster step) in section 6 ( facing 12h00).
The second restart: is during the sixth wall after the counts 23-24 in section 3 (sway L.R, facing 12h00)
Add this after the sway L.R: & step L beside R to restart the dance!