CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Feel Forever

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Mel Fisher (UK) - March 2008
I Feel Forever - Greg Holland : (CD: Exception To The Rule)
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Intro: 32 counts (start just before vocals)

Rock step, ½ shuffle right, sweep ¼ left, touch, side shuffle
1,2 Rock forward on right, replace weight on left
3&4 Turn ½ shuffle right on right, left, right
5,6 Sweep ¼ turn left, touch left beside right (weight stays on right)
7&8 Step left to side, right beside left, step left to side

Back rock, side shuffle, step touch, back shuffle
1,2 Rock back on right, replace weight on left
3&4 Step right to side, step left beside right, step right to side
5,6 Step forward on left, touch right behind left
7&8 Step back on right, step left beside right, step back on right

Side rock, ¼ coaster turn left, touch front, touch side, right ¼ coaster turn
1,2 Rock to side on left, replace weight on right
3&4 Step left behind right, ¼ turn left stepping right to side, step forward on left
5.6 Touch right toe in front of left, touch right toe to right side
7&8 Step right behind left turning ¼ right, step together with left, step forward on right

Rock step, 1/4 step left, step, sweep forward, touch, forward left shuffle
1,2 Rock forward on left, replace weight on right
3,4 Step forward on left turning ¼ left, step forward on right
5,6 Sweep left round, touch in front of right
7&8 Step forward on left, step right beside left, step forward on left

Rock step, ½ shuffle right, sweep ¼ left, touch, side shuffle (Same as section one)
1,2 Rock forward on right, replace weight on left
3&4 Turn ½ shuffle right on right, left, right
5,6 Sweep ¼ turn left, touch left beside right (weight stays on right)
7&8 Step left to side, right beside left, step left to side

Back rock, side shuffle, step touch, back shuffle (Same as section two)
1,2 Rock back on right, replace weight on left
3&4 Step right to side, step left beside right, step right to side
5,6 Step forward on left, touch right behind left
7&8 Step back on right, step left beside right, step back on right

Side touch, side touch, coaster step, forward step touch
1,2 Step to side with left, touch right beside left
3,4 Step to side with right, touch left beside right
5&6 Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left
7,8 Step forward on right, touch left beside right

Sweep ¼ left, side shuffle, back rock, walk, walk
1,2 Sweep ¼ turn left, touch left beside right (weight stays on right)
3&4 Step left to side, right beside left, step left to side
5.6 Rock back on right, replace weight on left
7,8 Walk forward right, left (optional full turn left)

TAG: Danced ONCE only at END of 2nd wall
Forward rock, back shuffle, back rock, forward shuffle, side touches x2
1,2 Rock forward on right, replace weight on left,
3&4 Step back on right, step left beside right, step back on right
5,6 Rock back on left, replace weight on right
7&8 Step forward on left, step right beside left, step forward on left

9,10 Step right to side, touch left beside right
11,12 Step left to side, touch right beside left

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