(16 count intro), start on vocal
Section 1: Walks fwd with touch & walks back with stomp
1-4 Walk forward right, left, right, touch left toe slightly diagonally forward left.
Styling: place both hands in waist, push right shoulder diagonally forward at count 4 (contra body)
5-8 Walk back left, right, left, stomp right foot next to left (stomp up)
Section 2: Heel Digs Right & Left.
1-2 Dig right heel diagonally forward (towards right corner), replace right foot next to left.
3-4 Dig left heel diagonally forward (towards left corner), replace left foot next to right.
5-8 Repeat the steps above (1-4)
Styling: place both hands on waist
Section 3: Grapevines right & left with slap
1-4 Step right foot to right side, cross left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, slap inside of left foot behind right foot with right hand.
5-8 Repeat the steps above (1-4) to the left side, starting with left foot, slapping the inside of right foot behind left foot with left hand.
Styling: keep both hands on waist.
Section 4: Heel Digs Right & Left.
1-2 Dig right heel diagonally forward (towards right corner), replace right foot next to left.
3-4 Dig left heel diagonally forward (towards left corner), replace left foot next to right.
5-8 Repeat the steps above (1-4)
Styling: place both hands on waist.
Section 5: Walks backward with hook, walks forward with hitch
1-4 Walk back on right, left, right and hook left foot over right ankle.
Styling: Touch your Cowboy hat with your right hand.
5-8 Walk forward left, right, left, and hitch right knee as you make a small hop with your left foot.
Styling: push both palms down as you hitch, fingers pointing forward.
Section 6: Side steps right & left with slaps & claps
1-2 Step right foot to right side, stomp left foot next to right.
3-4 Slap both hands backward on your tights and then both hands forward on your tights.
5-8 Step left foot to left side, stomp right foot next to left and clap twice.
Begin again.
TAG: There's a very simple Tag at the end of wall 7: just repeat the last 8 counts:-)
This Dance is made for my Children-group to be danced at The International Day Of Dance 29. April 2008.
It is made to the release of a Norwegian Artist: Åsmund Åmli com ing in April 2008.
The track: “Eg æ frå Bygdinn” can be ordered from http://www.countrymusic.no
Section 1: Walks fwd with touch & walks back with stomp
1-4 Walk forward right, left, right, touch left toe slightly diagonally forward left.
Styling: place both hands in waist, push right shoulder diagonally forward at count 4 (contra body)
5-8 Walk back left, right, left, stomp right foot next to left (stomp up)
Section 2: Heel Digs Right & Left.
1-2 Dig right heel diagonally forward (towards right corner), replace right foot next to left.
3-4 Dig left heel diagonally forward (towards left corner), replace left foot next to right.
5-8 Repeat the steps above (1-4)
Styling: place both hands on waist
Section 3: Grapevines right & left with slap
1-4 Step right foot to right side, cross left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, slap inside of left foot behind right foot with right hand.
5-8 Repeat the steps above (1-4) to the left side, starting with left foot, slapping the inside of right foot behind left foot with left hand.
Styling: keep both hands on waist.
Section 4: Heel Digs Right & Left.
1-2 Dig right heel diagonally forward (towards right corner), replace right foot next to left.
3-4 Dig left heel diagonally forward (towards left corner), replace left foot next to right.
5-8 Repeat the steps above (1-4)
Styling: place both hands on waist.
Section 5: Walks backward with hook, walks forward with hitch
1-4 Walk back on right, left, right and hook left foot over right ankle.
Styling: Touch your Cowboy hat with your right hand.
5-8 Walk forward left, right, left, and hitch right knee as you make a small hop with your left foot.
Styling: push both palms down as you hitch, fingers pointing forward.
Section 6: Side steps right & left with slaps & claps
1-2 Step right foot to right side, stomp left foot next to right.
3-4 Slap both hands backward on your tights and then both hands forward on your tights.
5-8 Step left foot to left side, stomp right foot next to left and clap twice.
Begin again.
TAG: There's a very simple Tag at the end of wall 7: just repeat the last 8 counts:-)
This Dance is made for my Children-group to be danced at The International Day Of Dance 29. April 2008.
It is made to the release of a Norwegian Artist: Åsmund Åmli com ing in April 2008.
The track: “Eg æ frå Bygdinn” can be ordered from http://www.countrymusic.no