Intermediate / Advanced
Start 32 counts in on Vocals
Step Hold Turn Turn, Fwd Rock Shuffle Back
1-2 turning 1/4 L Step L fwd, Hold (9:00)
3-4 turning 1/2 L Step back on R, turning 1/2 L Step L fwd
5-6 Step R fwd, Recover weight onto L
7&8 Shuffle Backward: Stepping R L R
Back Rock 1 & 3/4 Turn, Side Rock Cross Shuffle
1-2 Step L back, Rock fwd onto R
3&4 turning 1 & 1/2 turns R, Roll fwd L, R, L (3:00)
option: shuffle fwd: stepping L R L, then turn 1/4 L for counts 5,6
5-6 turning 1/4 R Step R to side, Rock onto L (6:00)
7&8 Cross shuffle to L side: Stepping R L R
Step Behind, Full Turn L, Side Behind 3/4 Turn R
1-2 Step L to side, Step R behind L
3&4 turning a full turn L Triple Step L, R, L (6:00)
5-6 Step R to side, Step L behind R
7&8 turning 3/4 turn R Triple Step R, L, R (3:00)
Back, Back, Coaster, Turn Side Sailor Cross
1-2 Step back L, R
3&4 Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd
5-6 turning 1/4 turn R Cross R over L, Step L to side (6:00)
7&8 Step R behind L, Step L to side, Cross R over L
Step Lock, Full Turn L, Fwd Rock 3/4 Turn R
1-2 turning 1/4 turn L Step L fwd, Lock R up behind L (3:00)
3&4 turning a full turn L Step fwd L, R, L
5-6 Step R fwd, Recover weight onto L
7&8 turning 3/4 turn R Triple Step R, L, R (12:00)
Fwd Rock, Coaster Step, Cross Side, Sailor Cross
1-2 Step L fwd, Recover weight onto R
3&4 Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd (12:00)
5-6 Cross R over L, Step L to side
7&8 Cross R behind L, Step L to side, Cross R over L
Side Rock, Sailor Cross, Fwd Rock 1 & 1/2 Turn R
1-2 Step L to side, Recover weight onto R
3&4 Cross L behind R, Step R to side, Cross L over R
5-6 Step R fwd, Recover weight onto L
7&8 turning 1 & 1/2 turns R Triple Step R, L, R Travelling fwd (6:00)
Option: ½ Turn R Shuffle fwd
Rocking Chair
1-2 Step L fwd, Recover weight onto R (Hip Sway)
3-4 Step L back, Recover weight onto R (Hip Sway)
Begin again.
On wall 2 Dance Sections 1 - 6, (*R1) then restart (facing 6:00)
On wall 5 Dance Sections 1 - 4, (**R2) turning 1/4 R on count 32 (facing 12:00)
Step Hold Turn Turn, Fwd Rock Shuffle Back
1-2 turning 1/4 L Step L fwd, Hold (9:00)
3-4 turning 1/2 L Step back on R, turning 1/2 L Step L fwd
5-6 Step R fwd, Recover weight onto L
7&8 Shuffle Backward: Stepping R L R
Back Rock 1 & 3/4 Turn, Side Rock Cross Shuffle
1-2 Step L back, Rock fwd onto R
3&4 turning 1 & 1/2 turns R, Roll fwd L, R, L (3:00)
option: shuffle fwd: stepping L R L, then turn 1/4 L for counts 5,6
5-6 turning 1/4 R Step R to side, Rock onto L (6:00)
7&8 Cross shuffle to L side: Stepping R L R
Step Behind, Full Turn L, Side Behind 3/4 Turn R
1-2 Step L to side, Step R behind L
3&4 turning a full turn L Triple Step L, R, L (6:00)
5-6 Step R to side, Step L behind R
7&8 turning 3/4 turn R Triple Step R, L, R (3:00)
Back, Back, Coaster, Turn Side Sailor Cross
1-2 Step back L, R
3&4 Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd
5-6 turning 1/4 turn R Cross R over L, Step L to side (6:00)
7&8 Step R behind L, Step L to side, Cross R over L
Step Lock, Full Turn L, Fwd Rock 3/4 Turn R
1-2 turning 1/4 turn L Step L fwd, Lock R up behind L (3:00)
3&4 turning a full turn L Step fwd L, R, L
5-6 Step R fwd, Recover weight onto L
7&8 turning 3/4 turn R Triple Step R, L, R (12:00)
Fwd Rock, Coaster Step, Cross Side, Sailor Cross
1-2 Step L fwd, Recover weight onto R
3&4 Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd (12:00)
5-6 Cross R over L, Step L to side
7&8 Cross R behind L, Step L to side, Cross R over L
Side Rock, Sailor Cross, Fwd Rock 1 & 1/2 Turn R
1-2 Step L to side, Recover weight onto R
3&4 Cross L behind R, Step R to side, Cross L over R
5-6 Step R fwd, Recover weight onto L
7&8 turning 1 & 1/2 turns R Triple Step R, L, R Travelling fwd (6:00)
Option: ½ Turn R Shuffle fwd
Rocking Chair
1-2 Step L fwd, Recover weight onto R (Hip Sway)
3-4 Step L back, Recover weight onto R (Hip Sway)
Begin again.
On wall 2 Dance Sections 1 - 6, (*R1) then restart (facing 6:00)
On wall 5 Dance Sections 1 - 4, (**R2) turning 1/4 R on count 32 (facing 12:00)