CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Miss Blue

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Caisa Jansson (SWE) & Lena Elke (SWE) - February 2008
Miss Blue - Vincent : (CD: Lucky Thirteen)
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Intro 24 counts, 9 seconds

(1-8) Step L Forward, Touch, ½ Monterey R, Touch, Touch, Chasse L
1,2 Step L fwd, touch R toe next to L
3,4 Touch R toe to R side, turn 1/2 R stepping R next to L
5,6 Touch L toe to L side, touch L toe next to R
7&8 Step L to L side, step R next to L, step L to L side

(9-16) Rock step , Kick ball cross x 2, Turn ¼ R, Hold
1,2 Rock R foot behind L, recover
3&4 Kick R foot to R diagonal, step on ball of R foot next to L, cross L foot over R
5&6 Repeat steps 3&4
7&8 Turn ¼ R stepping on R foot, hold and click fingers of R hand

(17-24) Turn 1/2 L, Hold and click fingers, Step, Hold and click fingers, Turn ½ L, Hold and click fingers, Walk, Walk
1,2 Turn ½ L, hold and click fingers of R hand
3,4 Step R fwd, hold and click fingers of R hand
5,6 Turn ½ L, hold and click fingers of R hand
7,8 Walk fwd R, L

(25-32) Hip bumps R and L, R Rock step, Coaster step
1&2 Step R fwd bumping hips fwd, back, fwd
3&4 Step L fwd bumping hips fwd, back, fwd
5,6 Rock R foot fwd, recover
7&8 Step R foot back, step L foot next to R, step R foot fwd

(33-40) L Touch, Kick, Behind, Side, Cross, R Touch, Kick, Behind, Side, Cross
1,2 Touch L toe next to R foot, kick L foot to L diagonal
3&4 Step L foot behind R, step R foot to R side, step L foot across R
5,6 Touch R toe next to L, kick R foot to R diagonal
7&8 Step R foot behind L, step L foot to L side, step R foot across L

(41-48) L Rock step, Shuffle ½ turn L, Cross, Point, Cross, Point
1,2 Rock L foot fwd, recover
3&4 Turn ¼ L stepping L foot fwd, step R foot next to L, turn ¼ stepping L foot fwd
5,6 Cross R foot over L, point L foot to L side
7,8 Cross L foot over R, point R foot to R side

(49-56) R Rock step, Shuffle ¾ R, L Rock step, L Coaster step
1,2 Rock R foot fwd, recover
3&4 Turn ½ R stepping R foot fwd, step L foot next to R, turn ¼ R stepping R foot fwd
5,6 Rock L foot fwd, recover back on R
7&8 Step back on L foot, step R next to L, step L foot fwd

(57-64) Pivot ¼ turn R x 3, Step R forward, Hold
1,2 Step R foot fwd, turn ¼ L
3,4, Repeat steps 1 and 2
5,6 Repeat steps 1 and 2
7,8 Step R foot fwd, hold

Begin again.

First restart on wall 3-Dance 1-23, hold 1 count - start dance from the beginning facing 9 o’clock
Second restart on wall 6-Dance 1-46, Hold 2 counts – start dance from the beginning facing 12 o’clock
Third restart on wall 7-Dance 1-52, start dance from the beginning facing 12 o’clock

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