Start after 10 seconds.
Right mambo forward, left mambo back, ½ turn left, full turn right left right left
1&2 Rock forward on right, rock back on left, step back on right
3&4 Rock back on left, rock forward on right, step forward on left
5-6 Step forward on right, make ½ turn left stepping forward on right
7&8 Step ¼ turn right on left foot, ½ turn right on right foot, ¼ turn right on left foot
Step apart, step together, right lock step back, shuffle ½ turn left
1& Step out forward right
2& Step out forward left
3& Step in back diagonal right
4& Step in back diagonal left
5&6 Step right back, lock step left across right, step back on right
7&8 Step left back with ¼ turn left, step right at side of left, step ¼ turn left
Rock ¼ turn left, left lock step back, ½ unwind, left side mambo
1&2 Rock right to right side, ¼ turn left with weight on left foot, step right in front of left
3&4 Step left back, lock step right across left, step back on left
5-6 Point right toe back, unwind ½ turn right
7&8 Mambo to left side, recover onto right, place left next to right
Right side mambo, left mambo forward, right mambo back, step on left foot, touch right
1&2 Mambo right to right side, recover onto left, place right next to left
3&4 Rock forward on left, rock back on right, step back on left
5&6 Rock back on right, rock forward on left, step forward on right
7-8 Stomp left foot in place, touch right foot in place
Paddle full turn left, hips left, hips right, hips round in full circle, right heel hook
1& Step forward on right. Pivot ¼ turn left rocking weight onto left
2& Step forward on right. Pivot ¼ turn left rocking weight onto left
3& Step forward on right. Pivot ¼ turn left rocking weight onto left
4& Step forward on right. Pivot ¼ turn left rocking weight onto left
5-6 Bump hips to the left, bump hops to the right
7-8 Move hips round in an anti clockwise direction for a full circle
& Hook right foot in front of left
Chasse to the right, rock and step ¼ turn left, step ½ turn left, full turn right
1&2 Step right to right side, close left beside right, step to the side on right
3&4 Rock left across right, step back on right, step on left foot making a ¼ turn left
5-6 Step forward on right, make ½ turn left stepping forward on right
7&8 Step ¼ turn right on left foot, ½ turn right on right foot, ¼ turn right on left foot
Begin again.
On walls 2 and 5, replace count 30 with a right touch and leave out counts 31 and 32,
go straight into the paddle full turn left.
Enjoy the dance and remember you need to listen to the words of the song…………
“shake your bon-bon” !!!
Right mambo forward, left mambo back, ½ turn left, full turn right left right left
1&2 Rock forward on right, rock back on left, step back on right
3&4 Rock back on left, rock forward on right, step forward on left
5-6 Step forward on right, make ½ turn left stepping forward on right
7&8 Step ¼ turn right on left foot, ½ turn right on right foot, ¼ turn right on left foot
Step apart, step together, right lock step back, shuffle ½ turn left
1& Step out forward right
2& Step out forward left
3& Step in back diagonal right
4& Step in back diagonal left
5&6 Step right back, lock step left across right, step back on right
7&8 Step left back with ¼ turn left, step right at side of left, step ¼ turn left
Rock ¼ turn left, left lock step back, ½ unwind, left side mambo
1&2 Rock right to right side, ¼ turn left with weight on left foot, step right in front of left
3&4 Step left back, lock step right across left, step back on left
5-6 Point right toe back, unwind ½ turn right
7&8 Mambo to left side, recover onto right, place left next to right
Right side mambo, left mambo forward, right mambo back, step on left foot, touch right
1&2 Mambo right to right side, recover onto left, place right next to left
3&4 Rock forward on left, rock back on right, step back on left
5&6 Rock back on right, rock forward on left, step forward on right
7-8 Stomp left foot in place, touch right foot in place
Paddle full turn left, hips left, hips right, hips round in full circle, right heel hook
1& Step forward on right. Pivot ¼ turn left rocking weight onto left
2& Step forward on right. Pivot ¼ turn left rocking weight onto left
3& Step forward on right. Pivot ¼ turn left rocking weight onto left
4& Step forward on right. Pivot ¼ turn left rocking weight onto left
5-6 Bump hips to the left, bump hops to the right
7-8 Move hips round in an anti clockwise direction for a full circle
& Hook right foot in front of left
Chasse to the right, rock and step ¼ turn left, step ½ turn left, full turn right
1&2 Step right to right side, close left beside right, step to the side on right
3&4 Rock left across right, step back on right, step on left foot making a ¼ turn left
5-6 Step forward on right, make ½ turn left stepping forward on right
7&8 Step ¼ turn right on left foot, ½ turn right on right foot, ¼ turn right on left foot
Begin again.
On walls 2 and 5, replace count 30 with a right touch and leave out counts 31 and 32,
go straight into the paddle full turn left.
Enjoy the dance and remember you need to listen to the words of the song…………
“shake your bon-bon” !!!