Intro: 16 counts. Start on vocals
Section 1: Cross Step, Side Rock, Recover, Cross Step, 1/4 Turn Right, 1/4 Turn Right, Step Forward, 1/2 Turn Left,1/2 Turn Left, Step Forward, Mambo Step Forward
1 Cross step left over right
2 & 3 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, cross step right over left
4 & 5 1/4 turn right and left step back, 1/4 turn right and right step to side, step forward on left
6 & 7 1/2 turn left and right step back, 1/2 turn left and left step forward, step forward on right
8 & 1 Step forward on left, recover onto right, step left next to right
Section 2: Side Toe Touch (rise up), Cross step behind (bend knees), Side Toe Touch (rise up), Cross step behind (bend knees), Coaster Step, Step Forward, Pivot 1/2 Turn Right, Step Forward
2 - 3 Touch right toe to the side (rise up), step right behind left (bend knees)
4 - 5 Touch left toe to the side (rise up), step left behind right (bend knees)
6 & 7 Step back on right, step left next to right, step right forward
8 & 1 Step forward on left, Pivot 1/2 turn right, step forward on left
Section 3: Mambo Step Forward, Sailor 1/2 Turn Left, Side Rock-Cross, Step 1/4 Turn Right, Together
2 & 3 Step forward on right, recover onto left, step right next to left
4 & 5 Cross step left behind right with 1/2 turn left, step right to side, step left to side
6 & 7 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, cross step right over left
8 & Step left to left side with 1/4 turn right, step right next to left
Section 4: Cross step forward, cross step forward, Step forward, Pivot 1/2 Turn Right, Step foward, Side Rock - Cross, Side Rock - Cross, & Side step
1 - 2 Cross step forward left over right, cross step forward right over left
3 & 4 Step forward on left, 1/2 turn right, step forward on left
5 & 6 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, cross step right over left
7 & 8 Rock left to left side, recover onto right, cross step left over right
& Step right to right side
Start again from the beginning.
Ending to the front wall (12.00)
The last time the dance starts on wall 10 (03.00)
Dance up to and including count 5 of Section 2 do then:
Sailor 1/4 Turn Right:
6 & 7 Cross step right behind left, 1/4 turn right and left step to side, right close nect to left
= The End
Section 1: Cross Step, Side Rock, Recover, Cross Step, 1/4 Turn Right, 1/4 Turn Right, Step Forward, 1/2 Turn Left,1/2 Turn Left, Step Forward, Mambo Step Forward
1 Cross step left over right
2 & 3 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, cross step right over left
4 & 5 1/4 turn right and left step back, 1/4 turn right and right step to side, step forward on left
6 & 7 1/2 turn left and right step back, 1/2 turn left and left step forward, step forward on right
8 & 1 Step forward on left, recover onto right, step left next to right
Section 2: Side Toe Touch (rise up), Cross step behind (bend knees), Side Toe Touch (rise up), Cross step behind (bend knees), Coaster Step, Step Forward, Pivot 1/2 Turn Right, Step Forward
2 - 3 Touch right toe to the side (rise up), step right behind left (bend knees)
4 - 5 Touch left toe to the side (rise up), step left behind right (bend knees)
6 & 7 Step back on right, step left next to right, step right forward
8 & 1 Step forward on left, Pivot 1/2 turn right, step forward on left
Section 3: Mambo Step Forward, Sailor 1/2 Turn Left, Side Rock-Cross, Step 1/4 Turn Right, Together
2 & 3 Step forward on right, recover onto left, step right next to left
4 & 5 Cross step left behind right with 1/2 turn left, step right to side, step left to side
6 & 7 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, cross step right over left
8 & Step left to left side with 1/4 turn right, step right next to left
Section 4: Cross step forward, cross step forward, Step forward, Pivot 1/2 Turn Right, Step foward, Side Rock - Cross, Side Rock - Cross, & Side step
1 - 2 Cross step forward left over right, cross step forward right over left
3 & 4 Step forward on left, 1/2 turn right, step forward on left
5 & 6 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, cross step right over left
7 & 8 Rock left to left side, recover onto right, cross step left over right
& Step right to right side
Start again from the beginning.
Ending to the front wall (12.00)
The last time the dance starts on wall 10 (03.00)
Dance up to and including count 5 of Section 2 do then:
Sailor 1/4 Turn Right:
6 & 7 Cross step right behind left, 1/4 turn right and left step to side, right close nect to left
= The End