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Freaky Country-Dance

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Lisen Persson (SWE) - November 2007
Freaky Friday - Aqua : (Album: Aquarius)
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Intro: 40 counts, Start counting when she starts to sing.

Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Weave, Point
1-2 Cross right over left, point left to left
3-4 Cross left over Right, point right to right
5-6 Cross right over left, step left to side
7-8 Cross right behind left, point left to left

Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Weave, Point
1-2 Cross left over right, point right to right
3-4 Cross right over left, point left to left
5-6 Cross left over right, step right to right
7-8 Cross left behind right, point right to right

Cross-shuffle, Turn 1/4 Left, Shuffle, Rock & Touch, Kick ball change
1&2 Cross right over left, step left next to right, cross right over left
3&4 Turn 1/4 left and shuffle forward on left, right, left
5&6 Rock right forward, recover weight to left, touch right next to left
7&8 Kick right forward, step right next to left, step left next to right

Toe, Unwind 1/2 right, Shuffle, Rock, Coaster
1-2 Touch right to back, unwind 1/2 right (weight on right)
3&4 Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward
5-6 Rock right forward, recover weight to left
7&8 Step right back, step left next to left, step right forward

Step, Twist, Step, Twist, "Cross, Turn 1/4 Left, Step, Cross, Side" (Jazz box)
1-2 Step left forward, twist both heels to left (weight on left)
3-4 Step right forward, twist both heels to right (weight on right)
5-6 Cross left over right, turn 1/4 left and step right back
&7-8 Step left beside right, cross right over left, step left to side

Cross rock, Chasse, Cross rock, Triple turn 1 1/4 Left
1-2 Cross right over left, recover weight to left
3&4 Step right to right, step left next to left, step right to right
5-6 Cross left over right, recover weight to right
7&8 Turn 1 1/4 left stepping left, right, left (facing 9 o’clock)

Rock, Coaster, Rock, Shuffle
1-2 Rock right forward, recover weight to left
3&4 Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward
5-6 Rock left forward, recover weight to right
7&8 Step left back, step right next to left, step left back

Jump back, Clap, Jump forward, Clap, Jump back twice, Clap Twice
&1-2 Step right back, step left beside right (shoulder width apart), clap hands
&3-4 Step right forward, step left beside right (shoulder width apart), clap hands
&5&6 Step right back, step left beside right (shoulder width apart), step right back, step left beside right (shoulder width apart)
7-8 Clap hands twice

Begin again

Tag 1: After 2nd wall (facing 6 o’clock) there is a tag on 8 counts.
Walk (mingle) around in the room, changing place with your friends,
and then start the dance all over again facing 3 o’clock

Tag 2: On 5th wall after 16 counts there is a 4 counts tag.
1-2 Clap hands out to sides whit the persons on your right and left side twice
3-4 Clap (your) hands together twice

After this you start the dance from the top.

After your 6th wall a man will start talking, just keep dancing (wall 7) until he repeats the word "ten four".
Then you just repeat kick ball change until the music stops.

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