CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Another You

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Karen Looker (UK) - October 2007
Another You - Cascada : (Album: Everytime We Touch)
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Start on vocals - after 13 seconds

SECTION 1 - L Side, rock back R, recover L, R side, touch unwinding ½ L, syncopated jazzbox ¼ R, L forward lockstep
1-2& Step left to left side. Rock right back. Recover onto left.
3-4 Step right to right side. Touch left behind right unwinding ½ turn left (weight ends on left)
5&6 Cross right over left. Step left back. Step right ¼ turn right.
7&8 Step left forward. Lock right behind left. Step left forward.

SECTION 2 - R forward mambo, L coaster step, sway R L, R sailor step
1&2 Rock right forward. Recover weight on left. Step right next to left.
3&4 Step left back. Step right beside left. Step left forward.
5-6 Step right to right side as you sway hips right, left
7&8 Cross right behind left. Step left to left side. Step right to right side

SECTION 3 - Touch L toe back, unwind ½ L, syncopated jazz box ¼ R, L forward lockstep, rock recover ½ R
1-2 Touch left toe back, unwind ½ turn left (weight on left)
Restarts – on walls 2, 5 and 7, see note below
3&4 Cross right over left. Step left back. Step right ¼ turn right.
5&6 Step left forward. Lock right behind left. Step left forward.
7&8 Rock forward right. Recover on left. Pivot ½ turn right (over right shoulder - weight on right foot)

SECTION 4 - L forward ½ R L forward, walk forward R, L, rock forward R recover L ¼ R, sway hips L R
1&2 Step forward left. Pivot 1/2 turn right. Step left forward.
3-4 Walk forward right then left.
5&6 Rock right forward. Recover onto left. Step right 1/4 turn right.
7-8 Sway hips left, right.

Restarts: On Walls 2 and 5, after count 2 in section 3 – (unwind ½ left) hold for 2 counts then restart On wall 7, same place – hold for 4 counts. Then restart

TAG: At the end of wall 3
L side, rock back R recover L, R side, rock back L recover R, sway hips L R L R
1-2& Step left to left side. Rock right back. Recover weight onto left.
3-4& Step right to right side. Rock left back. Recover weight onto right.
5-6-7-8 Step left to left side as you sway hips left, right, left, right (weight ends on right)

ENDING: The dance finishes at the end of section 2 where the music slows down - following the hip sways you can do an unwind to the front wall to finish off the dance.

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