Start after 16 count intro ? 2 beats before vocals. Dedicated to Christopher?Ahoy matey! |
1-8 | R side mambo, L side rock & recover into ¼ L, L coaster, Slippery Deck Walk |
1&2 | Rock R to side, recover weight on L, step R together |
&3-4 | Rock L to side, recover weight on R, turn ¼ left keeping weight on R |
5&6 | Step L back, step R together, step L forward |
7-8 | R forward, L forward (OR skate R, L forward like on the ship?s slippery deck) |
9-16 | R kick ball cross, R back, L heel hold, L ball cross turning ¼ R, R coaster |
1&2 | Kick R forward, step R back, cross step L over R |
&3-4 | Step R back, touch L heel forward, hold |
&5-6 | Step L back, cross step R over L, turning ¼ right step L back |
7&8 | Step R back, step L together, step R forward |
17-24 | L side mambo, R side rock & recover into ¼ R, R coaster, L side rock recover & cross |
1&2 | Rock L to side, recover weight on R, step L together |
&3-4 | Rock R to side, recover weight on L, turning ¼ right keeping weight on L |
5&6 | Step R back, step L together, step R forward |
7&8 | Rock L to side, recover weight on R, cross step L over R |
25-32 | R ball cross hold, s yncopated vine R, L heel hold, L ball cross ball cross |
&1-2 | Step R to side, cross step L over R, hold |
&3&4 | Step R to side, cross step L behind R, step R to side, cross step L over R |
&5-6 | Step R to side, touch L heel forward, hold |
&7&8 | Step L back, cross step R over L, step L to side, cross step R over L |
Finale ? you will be facing R wall. As you do the L ball cross ball cross turn yourself ¼ L to front wall and stomp L forward, hold. The end of your pirate?s voyage! |
33-40 | R heel jack, L heel jack hold, L back, R forward mambo, L coaster |
&1&2 | Step L back, touch R heel forward, step R back, cross step L over R |
&3-4 | Step R back, touch L heel forward, hold |
Tag/Restart #2: During 2nd wall of dance (at this point facing L wall add the following 4 counts & then restart the dance: |
&5 ? Step L back, step R forward, 6 ? pivot ¼ L, 7&8 ? R kick ball change. Restart dance facing back wall |
&5&6 | Step L back, rock R forward, recover weight on L, step R together |
7&8 | Step L back, step R together, step L forward |
41-48 | R forward mambo, L back, R heel forward hold, L & R heel switches, ¼ R pivot turn |
1&2 | Rock R forward, recover weight on L, step R together |
&3-4 | Step L back, touch R heel forward, hold |
&5&6 | Step R together, touch L heel forward, step L together, touch R heel forward |
&7-8 | Step R together, step L forward, pivot ¼ right |
49-56 | L forward mambo, R back, L heel forward hold, ¼ R heel grind & coaster |
1&2 | Rock L forward, recover weight on R, step L together |
&3-4 | Step R back, touch L heel forward, hold |
&5-6 | Step L back, ¼ right heel grind over 2 counts |
7&8 | Step R back, step L together, step R forward |
57-64 | ½ R pivot turn, L ball step forward hold, ¼ R pivot turn, L cross shuffle |
1-2 | Step L forward, pivot ½ right |
&3-4 | Step L together, step R forward, hold |
5-6 | Step L forward, pivot ¼ right |
7&8 | Cross step L over R, step R to side, cross step L over R |
Tag/Restart #1 & #3: At the end of wall 1 (facing back wall) and wall 3 (facing front wall) add the following 4 counts |
1-4 | Step R apart, step L apart, step R together, step L together. Begin the dance again. |
Tag/Restart #4: At the end of wall 4 facing back wall - Walk The Plank! |
Walk forward R, L, forward coaster, walk back L, R, coaster back with stomp (as you hear the word STOP!). |
Hold with weight on L & count &2&3&4&5&6&7&8& and restart the dance again. It?s tricky because you?re starting between the 8 & 9 count. |
If you start early you can just pause on the first ¼ L turn?.Good luck! Practice makes perfect?..or so they say!