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2 Steppin' Bakersfield

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Glynn Rodgers (UK)
Streets of Bakersfield - Dwight Yoakam
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1-8 Side, Hold, Close, Hold, Slow Chasse, Hold. 
1-2 Step right to right side, hold. (Slow) 
3-4 Close left to right, hold. (Slow) 
5-6 Step right to right side, close left to right. (Quick, Quick) 
7-8 Step right to right side, hold. (Slow) 
9-16 Cross, Hold, Side, Hold, Sailor ¼ Turn, Hold. 
1-2 Cross left over right, hold. (Slow) 
3-4 Step right to right side, hold. (Slow) 
5-6 Cross left behind right turning ¼ left, step right to place. (Quick, Quick) 
7-8 Step left to place, hold. (Slow) 
17-24 Walk, Hold, Walk, Hold, Mambo Step, Hold. 
1-2 Walk forward right, hold. (Slow) 
3-4 Walk forward left, hold. (Slow) 
5-6 Rock forward right, recover weight onto left. (Quick, Quick) 
7-8 Step right beside left, hold. (Slow) 
25-32 Walk, Hold, Walk, Hold, Mambo Step, Hold. 
1-2 Walk forward left, hold. (Slow) 
3-4 Walk forward right, hold. (Slow) 
5-6 Rock forward left, recover weight onto right. (Quick, Quick) 
7-8 Step left beside right, hold. (Slow) 
33-40 Cross, Hold, ¼ Turn, Hold, Slow Chasse, Hold. 
1-2 Cross right over left, hold. (Slow) 
3-4 Turn ¼ right stepping back left, hold. (Slow) 
5-6 Step right to right side, close left to right. (Quick, Quick) 
7-8 Step right to right side, hold. Slow) 
41-48 Cross, Hold, ¼ Turn, Hold, Slow Chasse, Hold. 
1-2 Cross left over right, hold. (Slow) 
3-4 Turn ¼ left stepping back right, hold. (Slow) 
5-6 Step left to left side, close right to left. (Quick, Quick) 
7-8 Step left to left side, hold. (Slow) 
49-56 Rock, Hold, Recover, Hold, Coaster Step, Hold. 
1-2 Rock forward right, hold. (Slow) 
3-4 Recover weight onto left, hold. (Slow) 
5-6 Step back right, close left to right. (Quick, Quick) 
7-8 Step forward right, hold. (Slow) 
57-64 Rock, Hold, Recover, Hold, Shuffle ½ Turn, Hold. 
1-2Rock forward left, hold. (Slow) 
3-4 Recover weight onto right, hold. (Slow) 
5-6Turn ¼ left stepping left to left side, close right to left. (Quick, Quick) 
7-8Turn ¼ left stepping forward left, hold. (Slow)

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