Grapevine right, ¼ turn, ¼ turn, sweep ½ turn, Sailor cross | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1-2 | Step right to right side, cross left behind right | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3-4 | Step side on right, touch left to right. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5-6 | Step left to side making ¼ turn left, step right to side making ¼ turn left | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
&7&8 | Sweep left foot round making ½ turn left on right, step left behind right, step side on right and cross left over right. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Point, Hold and Cross, Side, Behind side cross, point, touch |
1-2 | Point right toe out to side, hold |
&3-4 | Step down on right foot and cross left over right, step side on right foot |
5&6 | Cross left behind right, step side on right and cross left over right |
7-8 | Point right to side and touch right toe to left foot. |
| Step, Touch, Chasse ¼ turn, Rock step, Coaster step |
1-2 | Step side on right foot, touch left to right. |
3&4 | Step side on left, close right o left and step left to side making ¼ turn left. |
5-6 | Rock forward on right back on left. |
7&8 | Step back on right, close left to right, step forward on right. |
| Heel grind, Heel grind, Rock step, Coaster step |
1-2 | Dig left heel forward and grind heel in an anti-clockwise direction |
&3-4 | Bring left to right and dig right heel forward and grind heel in a clockwise direction |
&5-6 | Bring right to left and rock forward on to left, back onto right |
7&8 | Step back on left, bring right to left, step forward on left |
| Have fun with it .