Start at vocals | ||||||
Section 1 | Unwind 1/2 turn right, left shuffle forward. Right side rock recover, left cross shuffle | |||||
1-2 | Touch right toe behind left. Unwind 1/2 turn (weight ends on right) | |||||
3&4 | Step left forward, close right beside left, step left forward. | |||||
5-6 | Rock right to right side. Recover onto left. | |||||
7&8 | Cross right over left. Step left to left side. Cross right over left. | |||||
Section 2 | Kick left foot sideways, left foot behind right, chasse right, step turn right,shuffle forward left foot | |||||
1-2 | Kick left foot sideways. Step left foot behind right foot. | |||||
3&4 | Step right foot to side. Close left to right. Step right foot to side. | |||||
5-6 | Step left foot forward turn 1/2 and step right forward. | |||||
7&8 | Step left forward. Close right beside left. Step left forward. | |||||
Section 3 | Full turn left step right and touch left step turn right, shuffle forward left foot | |||||
1 | Make 1/2 turn left stepping back onto right | |||||
2 | Make 1/2 turn left stepping left forward | |||||
3-4 | Step right to right side, touch left beside right. | |||||
5-6 | Step left foot forward turn 1/2 and step right forward. | |||||
7&8 | Step left forward. Close right beside left. Step left forward. | |||||
Option: | Instead of full turn walk right left. | |||||
Section 4 | 2 paddles left with right foot half turn, kick ball step right foot, quarter turn left. | |||||
1-4 | Weight on left foot, paddle 2 1/4 turns with right foot (half turn) (Make 2 hiprolls while paddling) | |||||
5&6 | Kick right foot, step down on right ball and step left foot beside right. | |||||
7-8 | Step forward on right foot and turn a quarter stepping left. | |||||