Starts on vocals - 12 counts in | |||||||||
1,2,3 | Step/rock R to R side, rock/replace weight onto L, step R across in front of L | ||||||||
4,5,6 | Step/rock L to L side, rock/replace weight onto R, step L behind R, | ||||||||
1,2,3 | Turn 90 degrees R - step R forward, turn a 90 degrees R - step L to L side, step R back, | ||||||||
4,5,6 | L backward waltz coaster step - step L back, step R beside L, step L forward, | ||||||||
1,2,3 | Step R forward, drag L up to R, touch L beside R, | ||||||||
4,5,6 | Step L forward, turning 180 degrees L - step R back, step L beside R, | ||||||||
1,2,3 | Step R back, drag L up to R, touch L beside R, | ||||||||
4,5,6 | Step L forward, turn 90 degrees L - step R to R side, turn 180 degrees L - step L to L side, | ||||||||
1,2,3 | Step R across in front of L, rock/replace weight onto L,turn 90 degrees R - step R forward, | ||||||||
4,5,6 | Step/rock L to L side, rock/replace weight onto R, step L across in front of R | ||||||||
1,2,3 | Step R to R side, drag L up to R, touch L beside R, | ||||||||
4,5,6 | Travelling L - 360 degree turn L (full turn) - stepping L, R, L, | ||||||||
1,2,3 | Step R across in front of L, step L beside R, step R beside L, | ||||||||
4,5,6 | Step L over R, turn 90 degrees L - step R back, turn 90 degrees L - step L to L side, | ||||||||
1,2,3 | Step R across in front of L, step L beside R, step R beside L, | ||||||||
4,5,6 | Step L over R, turn 90 degrees L - step R back, turn 90 degrees L - step L to L side, | ||||||||
| Ph:0413.714725, Email: travellingcowboy@dodo.com.au