Start on vocals on word "trailer" | |
Lock Shuffle Fwd, Lock Shuffle Fwd, Strut R,L, Rock/Bounce Back & Fwd | |
1&2 | Step fwd on R, Lock/step L behind R, Step fwd on R |
3&4 | Step fwd on L, Lock/step R behind L, Step fwd on L |
5&6& | Strut fwd R,L |
7&8 | Rock/bounce back on R, Rock fwd on L, Step fwd on R |
Strut L,R, Rock/Bounce Back & Fwd, Step Pivot 1/4 Step Across, Rock/ Ret Step Across 9&10& Strut fwd L,R | |
11&12 | Rock/bounce back on L, Rock fwd on R, Step fwd on L |
13&14 | Step fwd on R making 1/4 left, Rock wt to L, Step R across L |
15&16 | Rock/step L to left, Rock/return wt to R, Step L across R |
Charleston Step, 1/4 Coaster, Charleston Step, Coaster Step | |
17&18 | Touch R toe fwd, Sweep/Step R back behind L |
19&20 | Step L behind R, Making 1/4 left step R beside L, Step fwd on L |
21&22 | Touch R toe fwd, Sweep/Step R back behind L |
23,24 | Step back on L, Step R beside L, Step fwd on L |
Step Pivot Step, Step Pivot Step, 2x Heel Hitch Slaps, Step Scuff/Clap x 2 | |
25&26 | Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/4 left, Step fwd on R |
27&28 | Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/4 right, Step fwd on L |
29& | Touch R heel fwd, Hitch R and slap knee with R hand |
30& | Touch R heel fwd, Hitch R and slap knee with R hand |
31& | Step fwd on R, Scuff L fwd and clap |
32& | Step fwd on L, Scuff R fwd and clap |
Email: janwyllie@iinet.net.au, Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/ | |