CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Just Wondering

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Rozalynn Zainul Yusoff - May 2007
Makes Me Wonder - Maroon 5
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INTRO - 32 COUNTS (Start on vocals)  
Side, close, side, touch, side & touch behind x2  
1, 2, 3, 4 Step right to right, close left to right, step right to right, touch left next to right  
5, 6 Step left to left, touch right behind left (optional: look left) 
7, 8 Step right to right, touch left behind right (optional: look right) 
Rolling turn 1¼ left, point, cross, point, cross, point 
1, 2, 3, 4Step left forward ¼ turn left, right back ½ turn left, left forward ½ turn left, point right toe to right side  
5, 6Cross right over left, point left toe to left side 
7, 8Cross left over right, point right toe to right side 
Jazz box ¼ turn right, point, weave, point 
1, 2, 3, 4Cross right over left, left back ¼ turn right, step right to side, point left toe to left side 
5, 6, 7, 8Cross left in front of right, step right to side, cross left behind right, point right toe to right side 
Double hip bumps x2, side switches x3, hold 
1 & 2Transfer weight onto right, double hip bumps right 
3 & 4Transfer weight onto left, double hip bumps left 
& 5Close right to left, point left toe to left side 
& 6 Close left to right, point right toe to right side 
& 7Close right to left, point left toe to left side 
Weave, point, weave ½ turn, point 
1, 2, 3, 4Cross left in front of right, step right to side, cross left behind right, point right toe to right side 
5, 6, 7, 8Cross right in front of left, step left back ¼ turn right, step right to side ¼ turn right, point left toe to left side 
Weave, point, point across, point side, point across, point side 
1, 2, 3, 4Cross left in front of right, step right to side, cross left behind right, point right toe to right side 
5, 6, 7, 8Point right toe across front of left, point right toe to right side, point right toe across front of left, point right toe to right side 
Traveling kick ball changes x2, ½ pivot turn, ¼ pivot turn 
1 & 2, 3 & 4Kick right forward, step on ball of right, step forward on left, kick right forward, step on ball of right, step forward on left 
5, 6Step right forward, ½ turn to left stepping onto left 
7, 8Step right forward, ¼ turn to left stepping onto left 
Walk forward x3, point, kick, cross, point, kick, cross, point 
1, 2, 3, 4Walk forward right, left, right, point left toe to left side 
5 & 6Kick left forward, cross left over right, point right toe to right side 
7 & 8Kick right forward, cross right over left, point left toe to left side 
Step back, point, step back, point, sailor step ¼ turn, sailor step 
1, 2Step left back, point right toe to right side & click 
3, 4Step right back, point left toe to left side & click 
5 & 6Step left back, step right to side turning ¼ left, step left to side 
7 & 8Step right back, step left to side, step right to side 
Chasse, rock back, chasse, rock back 
1 & 2, 3, 4Chasse left, rock back on right, recover left 
5 & 6, 7, 8Chasse right, rock back on left, recover right  
Step hitch close x2, step side, drag, ball cross, point side 
1 & 2Step left to side, hitch right knee & close right to left (without weight) 
3 & 4Step right to side, hitch left knee & close left to right (without weight) 
5, 6Big step to left, drag right to left (without weight) 
& 7, 8Step right to side & slightly back on ball, cross left over right, point right to side 
TAG: On walls 3 & 4, dance Part A, then add the following tag (you will be facing the back wall & right side wall respectively) 
1 & 2Transfer weight onto right, double hip bumps right 
3 & 4Transfer weight onto left, double hip bumps left 
5, 6, 7, 8Hip bump right, left, right left (transferring weight each time)

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