Start 48 counts in | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sequence: 64, 48 Restart 1, 64, 48 Restart 2, 32 Restart 3, 64?s to the end |
1-8 | Step, ½ Turn, Rt Coaster Step, ½ Turn, Rock & Step, ½ Turn |
1-2 | Step Rt Fwd, Make ½ turn Rt |
3&4 | Step back Rt, Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt Fwd |
5,6& | Make ½ turn Rt stepping back Lt, Rock back Rt, Replace weight Lt |
7,8 | Step Rt Fwd, Make ½ turn Rt bringing feet together (6 o?clock) |
9-16 | Weave, Rock & Step, Rock & Step, ¼ Rock & Cross |
1&2 | Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt side, Cross Rt in front of Lt (5 o?clock) |
3&4 | Rock Lt Fwd, Replace weight Rt, Step Lt slightly back |
5&6 | Rock Rt Back, Replace weight Lt, Square up to 6 o?clock stepping Fwd Rt |
7&8 | Make ¼ turn Rt Rocking Lt to Lt side, Replace weight Rt, Cross Lt over Rt |
17-24 | Rock & 1/4 , Walk, Walk, Rock & Back, ½, ¾ Spiral Turn |
1&2 | Rock Rt to Rt, ¼ turn Lt replacing weight, Step Rt Fwd |
3,4 | Walk Fwd Lt, Rt |
5&6 | Rock Lt Fwd, Replace weight Rt, Step back Lt |
7,8 | Make ½ turn Rt stepping fwd Rt, Step Lt fwd making a ¾ turn Rt hookin Rt in front of Lt (Spiral turn) |
25-32 | Rt Lock Fwd, Lt Lock Fwd, Lt Rock & 1/2 , 1/4, Behind, Side ¼ |
1&2 | Step Rt Fwd, Lock Lt behind Rt, Step Rt Fwd |
3&4 | Step Lt Fwd, Lock Rt behind Lt, Step Lt Fwd |
5&6 | Rock Rt Fwd, Replace weight Lt, Make ½ Rt stepping fwd Rt |
7&8 | Make a ¼ Rt stepping Lt to Lt, Step Rt behind Rt,. Make ¼ turn Lt stepping Fwd Lt |
33-40 | Turn, turn, Sailor step, Rock & ½, Turn, Turn |
1,2 | Make a ¼ Lt touching Rt to Rt, Pivot ½ turn Lt on the Lt foot touching Rt to Rt |
3&4 | Step Rt, behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt to Rt |
5&6 | Rock Lt Fwd, Replace weight Rt, Make ½ turn Lt stepping Fwd Lt |
7,8 | Make a ¼ turn Lt touching Rt to Rt, Pivot ½ turn Lt on the Lt foot touching Rt to Rt |
41-48 | Walk, Walk, Cross, ½, Side, Rock & ¼, & Hook Full Turn |
1,2 | Step Rt across Lt towards 1 o?clock, Step Lt fwd |
3&4 | Cross Rt over Lt squaring up to 3 o?clock, Make a ¼ turn Rt stepping back Lt, Make ¼ turn Rt stepping Rt to Rt |
5&6 | Cross Rock Lt over Rt, Replace weigh Rt, Make a ¼ turn Lt stepping Fwd Lt |
&7 | Step Rt Fwd, Hooking Lt behind Rt |
8 | Unwind a full turn Lt (weight Lf) (facing 6 o?clock) |
| RESTART 1 & 2 |
49-56 | Touch, Step, Turn, Touch, Step, Cross, Rock, Side, Back, Rock, ¼ |
1,2 | Touch Rt Fwd, Step on to Rt |
3,4 | Make ½ turn Lt touching Lt Fwd, Step on Lt |
5&6 | Rock Rt across Lt, Replace weight Lt, Rock Rt to Rt |
7&8 | Rock Lt behind Rt, Replace weight Rt, Make a ¼ Turn Lt stepping Fwd Lt |
57-64 | Kick & Step, Run, Run, Run, Rock & ½, ½ Turn Ball Step |
1&2 | Kick Rt diagonally Rt, Step Rt together, Step Lt slightly Fwd (Shorty George) |
3&4 | Short steps Fwd Rt, Lt, Rt |
5&6 | Rock Lt Fwd, Replace weight Rt, Make ½ Lt stepping Fwd Lt |
7&8 | Pivot ½ turn Lt bring the Rt foot up in to a figure 4 position, Step Rt next to Lt, Step Lt Fwd (9 o?clock)