NOTE: Please note that R&B Line Dancing is for all types of folks, especially the non-professional dancer. Therefore the dance steps used are not defined as your typical or professional termed dance steps. Keep looking out for the I AM KENNY J Beginners Line Dance video, soon to be distributed, which will define the steps used in R&B Line Dancing, in the Philadelphia area. |
4AM STEP (1 & 2 & 3 1-2-3 1 & 2 & 3 TAP TAP or R L L R R L L L L R R L L R R) |
Start with body facing front (12 o?clock position) |
1& | Step forward with the right-1 o?clock position, follow with the left |
2& | Step back with the left-7 o?clock position, follow with the right |
3 | Step back with the right-6 o?clock position |
1-2-3 | Step left foot in ? out ?in (6 -12 ? 6 pos) |
Body is now facing 3 o?clock position |
1& | Step left foot forward 12 o?clock, follow with the right |
2& | Step pass the left with the right to the 12 o?clock position, follow with the left |
Body is now facing 9 o?clock position |
3 | Step the left foot forward 6 o?clock position |
1-2 | Tap the right foot twice |
Body is now facing 6 o?clock position |
Repeat sequence starting in the 6 o?clock position |
Start with body facing rear (6 o?clock position) |
1& | Step forward with the right-7 o?clock position, follow with the left |
2& | Step back with the left-1 o?clock position, follow with the right |
3 | Step back with the right-12 o?clock position |
1-2-3 | Step left foot in ? out ?in (12 -6 ? 12 pos) |
Body is now facing 9 o?clock position |
1& | Step left foot forward 6 o?clock, follow with the right |
2& | Step pass with left the right to the 6 o?clock position, follow with the left |
Body is now facing 3 o?clock position |
3 | Step the left foot forward 12 o?clock position |
1-2 | Tap the right foot twice |
Body is now facing 12 o?clock position |
Body is now facing 12 o?clock position |
1?2?3 | Bounce shoulders down for 3 beats |
1?2?3 | Bounce shoulders up for 3 beats |
CABBAGE PATCH (right then left) |
Body is now facing 12 o?clock position |
R-L 1-2-3 | shrug R shoulder down , then L shoulder, follow with R, L, R |
L-R 1-2-3 | shrug L shoulder down , then R shoulder, follow with L, R, L |
Body is now facing 12 o?clock position |
1: 2-3 | Step the right, follow with the left behind the right and then step the right |
1: 2-3 | Step the left, follow with the right behind the left and then step the left |
1 2 | Execute quarter turn left, stepping the right then the left |
Body is now facing 9 o?clock position |
1-2 | Walk forward starting with the right, then the left |
1-2-3 | in place step R-L-R |
1-2 | Walk backwards starting with the left, then the right |
1-2-3 | pop the knees for 3 beats, L knee, R knee, L knee |
Body is now facing 9 o?clock position |
1-2 | Step the right foot and pivot left ¼ turn |
1-2 | Step the right foot and pivot left ¼ turn |
Body is now facing 3 o?clock position |
1-2-3 | Step the right, follow with the left and then a quick lift with the left R-L-L |
1-2-3 | Run Back starting with the left foot for 3 beats, L-R-L |
Body is now facing 3 o?clock position |
1-2: 1-2-3 | While popping the knees forward move forward with L knee, R Knee L-R L |
1-2: 1-2-3 | Then R knee, L Knee R- L-R |
Body is now facing 3 o?clock position |
1-2 | Step the right foot and pivot left ¼ turn |
1-2 | Step the right foot and pivot left ¼ turn |
1-2 | Step the right foot and pivot left ¼ turn |
1-2 | Step the right foot and pivot left ¼ turn |
Body is now facing 3 o?clock position |
1 2 3 4 | Mr Luver to the right: Step your right foot to your right, follow with the left, repeat |
1 2 3 4 | Mr Luver To the Left: Step your Left foot to your left, follow with your right, repeat |
1 2 3 4 | Mr Luver to the rear: Walk Backward starting with the right foot |
Body is now facing 3 o?clock position |
1 2 3 | With the right heel raised, tap on the balls of right foot twice and then lower the heel for count 3 |
1 2 3 | With the left heel raised, tap on the balls of left foot twice and then lower the heel for count 3 |
Repeat dance from the beginning now starting in the 3 o?clock position |
Repeat dance from the beginning now starting in the 6 o?clock position |
Repeat dance from the beginning now starting in the 9 o?clock position
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |