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Woman's Love

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John Maguire (AUS) - 2012
A Woman's Love - Alan Jackson : (Album: High Milage - 3:50)
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START after 32 Beat Intro

Step R, Close L, Step R Forward, Hold, Step L, Close R, Step L Forward, Hold
1-2-3-4Step R to side, close L to R, Step R forward, Hold
5-6-7-8Step L to side, close R to L. Step L forward, Hold

Rock Half Turn R, Step Hold, Rock Half Turn L, Step Hold
9-10-11-12Rock R forward, back on L, 1/2 turn R on to R, Hold
13-14-15-16Rock L forward, back on R, 1/2 turn L on to L, Hold

Box 1/4 Turn R, Hold, L Lock step 45deg L, Hold
17-18-19-20Cross R over L, step back on L, 1/4 turn R on to R, Hold
21-22-23-24L step 45 deg L, Lock R behind L, Step forward on L, Hold

R Lock step 45deg R, Hold, 1/2 Pivot step L Forward, Hold
25-26-27-28R step 45 deg R, Lock L behind R, step forward on R, Hold
29-30-31-32Step L forward, 1/2 pivot on to R, step L forward, Hold

Step and Sweep R then L, R Forward Coaster step, Hold
33-34-35-36Step R forward, sweep L toe to L side, step L forward, sweep R toe to R side
37-38-39-40Step R forward, close L to R, step back on R, Hold

L Back Coaster step, Hold, R toe drop, L cross toe drop
41-42-43-44Step L Back, Close R to L, step L forward, Hold
45-46-47-48R toe drop to R, cross L toe drop in front of R

Twist both heels L , then centre, then L with a 1/4 turn R and Hold, Two paddle 1/8 turns to L
49-50-51-52Twist both heels L, Twist Heels to centre, Twist heels L with a 1/4 turn R, Hold
53-54-55-56Step R forward 1/8 pivot L, step R forward 1/8 pivot L ( Rocking Motion )

Cross Rock R over L recover and hold, Cross Rock L over R recover and tap R to L
57-58-59-60Cross rock R 45 deg, recover on L, step R to side, Hold
61-62-63-64Cross rock L 45 deg, recover on R, step L to side, tap R next to L

[64] Start again - No Bridges Or Tags

On Wall 8 the music slows, dance to count 32 and stop. Continue dance on heavy downbeat from Count 33 and finish dance on count 64 facing front wall.
NOTE: Alan Jackson re-recorded this song. It is slower and longer. (Use Original version)

Last Update - 30 May 2019

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